Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,69

upstairs in your room. Just after eating lunch she started feeling like shit. Got real pale and was sweating profusely. She didn’t feel like she had a fever when I brought her back. I drove her car and left my bike at the shop because she was also feelin’ weak as hell,” he informs me, regret and pain filling his face.

Rich and Gwen have gotten close since he’s usually the one guarding her. If I thought he was after my woman, he’d be buried already, but they treat one another like a brother and sister would.

“It’s okay. I’m goin’ up with her now. If I need anythin’ I’ll let you know,” I state, walking past him so I can get to my room.

I take the stairs two at a time as Playboy sits next to Rich. When I get to my door, it’s sitting partially open. That’s weird considering Gwen never leaves the door open. Walking in, I see her lying on top of the covers, her clothes and shoes still on. Gwen’s feet are dangling over the edge of the bed. For a quick minute, it looks as if she’s not breathing. Rushing to her side, I try to wake her up.

“Gwen. Sparrow, wake up for me,” I practically yell, shaking her a little bit. “Gwen!”

I yell out, sitting her up and continuing to try and wake her up. Nothing is working. Panic and dread fill me as I try to find her pulse. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m not in my right mind or if it’s because she’s not breathing, but I don’t find anything. Picking up my woman, I run out of the room with her in my arms.

“Someone fuckin’ help me!” I yell through the clubhouse.

The second I reach the bottom of the stairs, Playboy, Rich, and Slim are at my side. Stryker is just walking in the door and rushes to our side.

“What’s goin’ on?” Slim asks, looking at Gwen from head to toe.

“I don’t know. Stryker sent her home early because she didn’t feel good. Rich said she went up to lay down. Now, I can’t wake her up. I’m goin’ to the hospital,” I announce to them, pushing past them as the rest of the guys follow me.

Slim and Playboy are on their phones so I’m sure the rest of the club and women will be there soon. I’d call an ambulance, but they tend to take their time getting to our clubhouse. Most of the time whoever they’re coming for is already dead or we don’t care to have them taken away by ambulance. Add in that they’re coming to a clubhouse and they don’t like it. We’re all criminals they don’t want to help. It doesn’t matter if one of the women needs help. It’s definitely quicker for me to take her myself.

Rich opens the back door of the SUV and I slide in with Gwen still in my arms. Playboy is in the driver’s seat while Rich jumps into the passenger side. The rest of the guys who are here jump on their bikes and start them up. Still, Gwen doesn’t respond at all. My chest hurts and my breathing is rapid as I don’t take my eyes off of her. For the first time in my life, I pray as Playboy rushes us to the hospital.

His phone is going off the entire trip and he completely ignores it. I don’t bother going for mine as I feel it vibrate in my pocket repeatedly. Whoever it is can wait because Gwen is the most important thing here and until I know what’s going on with her, no one else matters to me.

We’ve been in the waiting room at the hospital for hours. It seems as if time is dragging by as we wait for any news on Gwen. I’ve asked repeatedly and almost been taken out of here by the security guards. The two men who work here are now stationed right outside the waiting room. I’m still not answering my phone or talking to anyone as a million different thoughts flood my mind about what’s going on with her.

Most of the men are sitting in the chairs. To anyone not familiar with them, they’d appear relaxed and calm. In reality, they’re waiting for the slightest sign there’s either trouble meeting us here or ready to hold me back if I decide to tear the place apart. Playboy and Rich haven’t left my side as I pace back Copyright 2016 - 2024