Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,68

been keeping an eye on her. The only time she’s left is to grab lunch for everyone there. Phantom Ink has been busy as hell, so Gwen’s been running out most days to grab them lunch or drinks when they need it. Rich is on her so it’s not a big deal for her to be leaving. At least that’s what I tell myself.

Gwen is a creature of habit and grabs the same thing to eat every single day while she’s at work. Especially now since she hasn’t been feeling good. I’ve been trying to talk her into going to the doctor, but she won’t. That girl is stubborn as fuck and she’s gonna end up over my knee if she doesn’t go soon. I have no problem spanking her. Yeah, we’ve tried it while we’re fucking around because she wants to see if anything will trigger her while we’re having sex. So far nothing has.

Rich went with her like normal and helped her grab the takeout containers of food and their drinks. Since it’s just a few doors down from the shop, the two of them walk back and forth. That is one thing I’m not happy in the least about because we have no clue who’s after her still. I don’t want her out in the open like that, but she doesn’t listen to anyone. She wants to walk and enjoy the fresh air and time in the sun. While I can’t blame her for it, there is no way in hell right now is the time for her to be doing that shit.

Today’s been a long as hell day. I got a message from Stryker a little while ago letting me know he was sending Gwen home early. She’s not feeling good after eating her lunch and he doesn’t want her in the shop when she’s not feeling good. Even if it’s nothing contagious, Gwen or anyone else sick doesn’t need to be around people getting tattooed and pierced. I’m worried about her, but I can’t leave the shop as we’re busy as hell today.

I’ve been counting down the hours until closing time. My only thought is getting to my ol’ lady so I can make sure she’s okay. There isn’t going to be any fighting from her today; she’s going to the fucking doctor and I don’t care if she doesn’t like it or not. Gwen’s health is more important than her stubbornness. Plus, I’m worse than her so she’s going to lose this battle.

“You gettin’ a beer with us?” Playboy asks as we begin to clean everything up.

“Nope. Gwen got sent home sick today and I need to get to her. She’s been sick for a while now. Keeps refusin’ to go to the doctor. So, I’m makin’ her today,” I let him know.

“I’ll head back with you. Want me to have Sam check on her before we get there?” he asks me.

“No. She’s got the boys and I’d feel horrible if they got sick,” I say, not wanting him to have sick babies to deal with on top of everything else.

“Let’s get the fuck outta here then. The rest of this shit can wait until the mornin’,” he orders, tossing down his rag on the bench and looking at me.

Shrugging my shoulders, I finish wiping down my hands before following him out. We’re usually the last two guys here when we’re working here so it’s no surprise we’re last to leave today. The rest of the guys cut out so they can get a drink or find a piece of ass for the night. Playboy and I don’t have to worry about that shit and would rather spend our free time with our women and the rest of the family. So, we always stay a little later than everyone to get more work done.

We straddle our bikes and rev the engines before taking off. It doesn’t take long to get to the clubhouse since we try to keep our businesses as close as possible. If anything happens, we’re right there to take care of any problems that may arise. Plus, it’s not unheard of for the assholes gunning for us to try and take out our business.

Pulling into the clubhouse, we park in our spots before heading inside. Rich is sitting at the end of the bar with his phone resting in front of him and a bottled water in his hand. When he sees me striding inside, he immediately stands up.

“Killer, she’s resting Copyright 2016 - 2024