Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,57

Gwen’s ass. She’s caught me more than once looking at her body and I’m not going to apologize for it. I hear her giggling and tear my eyes from her to see she’s caught me once again staring at her.

“Not even sorry about it,” I say as she laughs louder.

“Wouldn’t expect you too.”

It takes us minutes to get to the clubhouse. The lot is full of bikes and the ol’ ladies’ vehicles. I park in my normal spot while Gwen pulls up where the rest of the women always park. The bikes are always lined up on the left of the door while our women park on the right. We don’t want them to have to walk across the lot to go somewhere.

Walking in the common room of the clubhouse, Gwen stops as she takes in everyone sitting around. The ol’ ladies are sitting at their normal table in the back corner away from everyone. Slim and a Prospect are playing pool. Everyone else is sitting around with a beer in their hand, talking or simply sitting around.

I take our bags to our room here while Gwen makes her way over to the rest of the women. Thankfully, none of the house bunnies are around. They can be vicious bitches and I don’t want them around to take this day away from Gwen. My goal is to give her as many good days and memories as possible. If someone gets in my way or tries to take anything from her, they’ll have to deal with me. I have no problem putting a man to ground for fucking with what’s mine. If it’s a woman fucking with her, the other ol’ ladies will deal with them. Or we’ll simply call in Summer.

Setting the bags on the bed for now, I grab the box out of the top of the closet. For the first time in my life, I’m actually nervous. Yes, I’m springing this on her and I hope she doesn’t turn me down. It will crush me, and I’ll shut down the way I’ve been in the past. No one has gotten more from me than enough of my time to fuck them and kick their ass out of my room. I don’t do emotions or let anyone in. I’ve still not even let Gwen in all the way. That might be the only reason she turns me down. We always talk about her and that’s it.

Once my rag is on her back, I’ll start opening up to her. Gwen will have my story. She’ll see sides of me I don’t ever want her to personally witness, but if we’re gonna be together then she needs to know it all. Should I do all this before claiming her? Yeah. Am I going to wait that long? Nope. Today is the first step in making Gwen mine for the world to see. Then I’ll work on putting a ring on her finger and planting my babies in her belly.

I’ve wasted enough time in here. Grabbing the box, I make my way to the common room. Gwen is sitting with the ol’ ladies. As soon as Slim sees me, he whistles to get everyone’s attention. The room is deadly silent; everyone looks around until their glances land on me.

“Gwen, come up here please?” I ask her as she sets down her bottle of water and makes her way to me.

For a minute, I simply stared down at her and take in my fill. This could be the last time we’re this close. Though my gut tells me she’s going to accept and we’ll both get what we want out of this.

“Sparrow, I’ve fucked up so much when it comes to you. You’ve given me another chance and I promise I’ll do everythin’ in my power to make sure I don’t mess up again. Though, I think everyone here knows that’s goin’ to be a hard task to accomplish. I love you and want to protect you, love you, and make sure the world knows you’re mine. I’m offerin’ this to you and hope you accept,” I tell her, handing over the box.

Gwen takes it from my hands, a bright smile beaming up at me as she tilts her head up for a kiss. After softly kissing her lips so I don’t get carried away, she turns her attention to the box still in her hands. Placing it on the table, she removes the lid showing tissue paper. Pulling it back, Gwen reveals Copyright 2016 - 2024