Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,58

her rag stating Property of Killer on the back. A loud squealing noise erupts from her and she lifts the rag from the box as if it’s the most precious gift she’s ever received. Stepping up to her, I help her slide her arms in the holes before pulling it up on her back.

Once the rag is in place, Gwen turns around and jumps into my arms. Her body is wrapped around mine as the catcalls and clapping fade away. She’s the only one who can make the background noise and the demons haunting me fade into nothing. I see her and become completely attuned to her body and what she needs from me. Even when she wanted me, I knew it. She had to make the first move though. I wasn’t going to try to persuade her into having sex with me before she was ready. That’s not who I am.

I kiss her, deepening the kiss until I feel a slap on my back. Breaking my mouth free of hers, I turn ready to beat whoever’s ass just broke up our moment. It’s Fox. I can’t do anything to him. Gwen is practically his sister-in-law and he wants to congratulate her. For the next several minutes, Gwen is pulled from me and hugged by Fox before the ol’ ladies claim her. They take her back to the table they were sitting at as a bottle of beer is placed in my hands.

Slim is the last man to come up to me. He shakes my hand and claps me on the back before we take seats at the bar.

“I’m havin’ food brought in. There’s no way the women are gonna have time to get a meal prepared. It’ll be here in a few hours,” he lets me know.

“Sounds good,” I reply as Trent makes his way up to us.

Trent is one of the new artists at the tattoo shop. He’s here because I want Gwen to get her tattoo today. I already know what I want her to have. It’s a large piece going from her hip to just below her armpit. Vines will wind their way up her side as if they’re climbing a building. A few flowers will fill them in. in the middle of the vines will be a heart shaped locket for the key I have done on my tattoo for her. On one side it will say ‘Property’ the other side of the vines will say ‘of Killer’. The entire tattoo will be shaded in black with the flowers the only color in her skin. It’s definitely a huge piece for her first tattoo. She’s going to be sore as hell, but I’ll take care of her.

“You ready to get started on her tat?” Trent asks me. “I should be able to finish it before the food gets here.”

“Yeah. I’ll grab her. Have you checked the room to make sure everythin’ is set up?” I ask him.

“Yep. I was in there before I came out here. Got the drawin’ ready to go and you’ll get to see it before we put it on her skin,” Trent answers me.

Nodding my head, I make my way over to the table where she’s talking with the rest of the women. Her cheeks, neck, and the top of her chest are bright red as I look down on her. I just caught her talking about me if the look in her eyes is anything to go by. Letting out a low chuckle, I look down at her and hold out my hand for her to take.

“Where are we going?” she asks me.

“You’re gettin’ your tattoo today, Sparrow. Trent from Phantom Ink is sittin’ in the back waitin’ on you,” I inform her.

She shrugs her shoulders and takes my hand. We head down the hall past Slim’s office until we reach the last door on the left. It’s standing open as Trent is putting his gun together. Gwen walks in the room just in front of me and I can feel a slight tremor to her body. She’s nervous, but knows this is part of becoming an ol’ lady in the Phantom Bastards. As she takes a seat on the table, Trent picks up the design he drew up for me. I love it; it’s exactly what I want for her to wear on her precious, smooth skin.

“That’s exactly it,” I tell him, looking at Gwen’s eyes.

She’s tearing up as she looks at the lock before looking at me. Yeah, Copyright 2016 - 2024