Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,56

I can claim her. Then we can have a cookout to keep her mind off everything. No one will care its last minute.

Heading back into the bedroom, I pack a bag for Gwen and me. I’m going to give her the chance to talk to me about the note she got before we head out though. Once she’s around a lot of people, she’ll be less likely to talk openly about certain things. Getting back in bed with Gwen, I slide her silky hair from her shoulder, and begin to pepper kisses along her shoulder and up to her neck.

Gwen stirs beneath me, her eyes fluttering over. When she sees me hovering over her, a smile covers her face. Her small body stretches, and I watch on as the sheet covering her slips and exposes her chest and stomach to my gaze. Leaning over her body, I pull her nipple into my mouth and suck on it. Gwen arches into my touch as I lift my head away from her.

“Are you okay?” I question her, needing to know she’s okay after being with me.

“Yeah. A little sore, but I’m good. Thank you, Killer,” she informs me.

“We need to talk about the note you got earlier,” I state, sitting up against the headboard and pulling her into my arms.

“I’m sure Rich has already talked to you about it. It was in with the rest of the mail when I got it this afternoon. It just says someone is coming for me and I won’t be able to hide. Or something like that,” she says, her body beginning to tremble as I listen to her voice getting quieter the more she speaks.

“I think we should head to the clubhouse for now. Until we get new information about what’s goin’ on and who’s after you. Our home is safe, but I’d feel better bein’ around everyone there. Especially when I’m at work or have to leave on club business,” I let her know, hoping she doesn’t put up a fight.

“Okay,” she says, sitting up in bed and letting the sheet fall completely away from her body.

As I stand in our bedroom, Gwen gets out of bed and begins grabbing clothes to put on for the day. It’s the first time she’s gotten dressed in front of me and I’m not going to make her feel she has to hide when I’m in the room. My goal is to get my Sparrow as comfortable around me as she can be. That includes dressing in front of one another and any other intimate activity I can think of.

Every day since she’s been in Benton Falls Gwen finds a little more confidence in herself. After waking up just now, it’s as if that final piece of self-doubt and lingering words from her abusers has been shattered. I gave that to her. I’m the one who makes her feel as if she’s the most beautiful woman in the world because that’s how I see her.

Gwen’s comfortable in her own skin right now. I’ve seen her scars and know her past. Not many other people know that much about her. My girl is so strong and has been keeping that shit to herself. She doesn’t want anyone to know the horror she’s been through in her short life already because no one’s ever been there for her before. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that much out about her. Gwen doesn’t even trust in Kim enough to share her burden. I call it a burden because she’s referred to it that way more than once while we’ve been talking.

While she’s in the shower, I make sure everything is off in the house and all the windows and doors are locked. Rich helps me go through the house as we wait on Gwen. Walking back in the bedroom, I see her sitting on the bed brushing her long hair out. I pick the bags up from the floor and make my way in the bathroom to grab what we need from there. I’m not going to let her go without because of a bunch of asswipes coming after her.

“I’m ready when you are,” she lets me know once I’m done grabbing everything.

“Alright. I’ll put the bags in your car. Rich will follow behind you and I’ll be in the lead. I don’t want anyone gettin’ close to you,” I state, letting her walk out ahead of me.

My gaze immediately goes to her ass. I’m a guy and love Copyright 2016 - 2024