Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,55

It’s not like I remember too much of my own since she disappeared when I was young. What if I’m no good?” I question him, letting my biggest fear out. “I do love you, Killer. It’s always been you.”

“You’re gonna be an amazin’ mother. I wouldn’t just be reckless and get anyone pregnant. Gwen, you’re it for me. I may not have always shown it, but you’re the only one I want and we’re gonna happen. You just need to get on board with the plan,” he informs me, doing an ab curl to sit up in bed.

Killer lifts me into his arms bridal style, carrying me into the bathroom. Without setting me down, he removes one arm after shifting my position, so I’m wrapped around his body. He turns on the water and lets it heat up before stepping in with me still in his arms. I slide down his body so we can wash up. Killer washed my hair and conditions it before moving to my body. Once he’s done, I return the favor and clean him. We don’t linger in the water as he steps out and grabs towels for us. I’m dried off before we head back to bed.

He grabs our now cold food and warms it up before coming back to me. We eat our food as a movie plays in the background. I’m pressed up against Killer and have never felt more content in my entire life. This is where I’m meant to be; where I want to remain for as long as Killer will have me. No matter what happens.

As I finish eating my dinner, my lids slide closed once more. I’m falling asleep against Killer. While I’m drifting off, I feel Killer slide us down under the covers and pull me firmly against his chest. I’m wrapped in his arms. Sleep fully claims me and dreams of a life with the man next to me play on a loop.

Chapter Fourteen


I WAS AT the garage when I got the call about Gwen getting another note from whoever’s after her. Without a word to anyone, I rushed out, leaving my tools and everything else exactly where they were. Gwen is my number one priority and always will be. If she needs me, I’ll be there by her side.

Running in the house when I got there, I saw Rich waiting outside on the porch. I didn’t bother stopping to talk to him or anything else in my attempt to get to my woman. When I got into our bedroom, I came to a dead stop. Gwen was standing there in front of me dressed in nothing more than a red and black nightie. Her hair is curled and flowing down against her back with some resting over her chest. There’s make-up on her face; something she doesn’t need. Red heels adorn her feet and I’m fucking lost.

Being with Gwen, her willingly giving herself to me, is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced in my entire life. I want to experience it as much as she’ll let me. Gwen isn’t fake, her noises and the emotions flitting across her face are genuine and she gives me back as good as I give her. I know she’s not experienced, and the times she has been with the cocksucker weren’t good for her. I’ll do everything in my power to erase all of that from her mind.

Once she fell asleep, I cleaned up the bedroom, blew out the candles, and went out to talk to Rich. He handed me over the letter, told me how scared my woman is, and let me know he already talked to Slim about the situation as well. For now, I think we need to go to the clubhouse. It’s not that I don’t believe my house isn’t safe, but I’ve already found men sneaking around trying to get in. Until we figure out what’s going on and who’s after her, I think we should stay at the clubhouse. There’s more people around for when I’m at work.

I call Slim to have him get everyone to the clubhouse. I’m not playing games anymore with Gwen. Today I’m going to claim her ass. I’ve already had her rag; it’s been sitting in my closet at the clubhouse for months now. Like I said, it was just a matter of time before I did it. When we get there, I’m going to put our bags in our room and grab the box from my closet so Copyright 2016 - 2024