Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,54

anything to make me uncomfortable. Every day I fall a little more in love with him. These moments, where he lets his sweet, soft side out, I fall in love even more. He’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a man and didn’t think I’d ever find. Or be good enough for.

“Tristan, I want this. I want you,” I say, letting him see the honesty in my eyes.

He leans down and kisses me. This kiss is so different from him pressing his lips against mine or gently sliding his tongue alongside my own. In this moment, it’s full of longing, passion, and everything we’re feeling for one another. Maybe not outside of this bed or room, but right now.

We tangle our tongues together and fight for control of the kiss. I’ll never keep it for long because that’s not who Killer is. He’s the one who has to be in control and is only willing to relinquish that for a few seconds or minutes at a time. While we’re kissing I feel his cock at my entrance. With the way he’s kissing me, I can’t help but remain relaxed. He’s so big if I tense up, it will hurt me.

Killer slides in a little bit, pulling back from our kiss to watch my reaction. He slides out and back in, giving me just a little bit more of him. This is repeated until he’s finally fully seated in me. Burying his head in the crook of my neck, I feel his breath hitting my skin. He’s still holding back. I don’t hurt and I’m more than ready for him to move.

Shifting my body under Killer’s larger one, he takes the hint and lifts himself up on his elbows, keeping them on either side of my head. Sliding out of my body, there’s only a slight hesitation before he slams back in my body. Still, Killer keeps his eyes locked on mine while he gauges my response to giving me more of himself. I wrap my legs around his hips and let my arms drape over his shoulders as I hang on for the ride he’s about to take me on.

Within a minute, Killer is done holding back. He’s pounding in and out of my body. I’m arching under his touch as he lowers his mouth and pulls a nipple into his mouth. My body is on a sensory overload at the different sensations flowing through me. Sweat covers both of us as my body begins to tighten around him. Killer reaches between our bodies and begins rubbing circles around my clit, making sure to press his thumb down against me. That’s all I need. My nails rake down his back as I tighten my legs wrapped around his hips.

“Tristan!” I yell out, my body convulsing around him as I drift away with my release.

Killer follows me soon after as he continues to slam in and out of me setting off aftershocks. As he slows his body down, just kind of sliding in and out of lazily, I place my hands on each side of his face to place a gentle kiss against his lips. Our breathing is ragged and shallow when Killer finally pulls free from my body after several minutes. He lands on the side of me, pulling me into his arms.

Sex has never been like this for me. My body is completely sated as my eyelids begin to drift close. That’s when I realize something wet is leaking down onto my thighs. My head shoots up and I look down at Killer’s softening cock. There’s no condom on it. Fuck!

“What’s wrong?” he questions me, his eyes searching my face.

“We, um, didn’t use a condom. I’m not on birth control, Killer,” I state, panic filling my body.

“Sparrow, you’re mine. You’ve always been mine. If somethin’ happens because of this, don’t worry. I’m not goin’ anywhere,” he says, never looking away from me. “One day I’m gonna put my rag on your back, a ring on your finger, and plant my babies in your belly. If that happens sooner rather than later, I don’t care. Unless it’s not somethin’ you want. I love you baby. I heard you tell me when I left to go to Butcher’s club, but I wasn’t gonna say it back to you over the phone for the first time. I’ve loved you for a long time but was too much of an asshole to get over myself.”

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