Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,24

She loved the work I do but can’t chance pissing Killer off again. Apparently he already called her to let her know in no way is she allowed to give me a job back in her establishment. I couldn’t hate him anymore than I do right now.

Kim and I have talked about a lot of things, especially Killer, while I’ve been here. Fox told me Killer’s not doing very good right now. He’s pissed at the world and looks as if he hasn’t slept since he got back from the run. While I want to care and rush to his side, make sure he’s okay, I know I can’t do that. The only thing I can do is stay strong and away from him for now. I need to know I’m strong enough to get over this crush.

That’s why today I’m doing the one thing I swore to myself I’d never do. The one thing I know will mean I’m putting myself out there like never before. Kim and Fox don’t even know I’m doing this. There’s only one person who does and that’s Sam. She’s going to be helping me as soon as she gets here.

I no sooner think about her coming over and there’s a knock on the door to the bedroom I’m staying in once again at Kim and Fox’s house.

“Come in,” I call out, knowing the knock wasn’t loud enough to be Killer or any of the other men in the club.

Sam opens my door and makes her way in the room after shutting it firmly behind her. She flops down on my bed, letting her bag fall to the floor, and looks at me with mischief and excitement filling her eyes. At this point in time, she still has no idea why I’ve called her here. I didn’t want to talk about it on the phone because you never know who’s listening in. Saying that, I mean Fox. He can hack anything and I’m not sure how far he’d go for his club brothers.

“Okay, so what’s with all the cloak and dagger shit?” she finally asks me after sitting and watching me for a minute.

“Well, I want to do something and I’m not sure how to get started with it,” I tell her, looking between the computer and her. “I want to start an online dating account. I’m never going to get over this crush or whatever it is on Killer if I don’t start putting myself out there. Not to mention there’s no point in trying to go out to meet someone because at least one of the guys will be there. No guy who’s not in the club will be allowed to get close to me.”

Sam whoops and begins to clap her hands excitedly. She honestly reminds me of a kid on Christmas. Waiting with anticipation to figure out what she’s going to get from her family and friends. Laughter bubbles up as I realize this is right up her alley and she’ll help me.

“There’s only one thing you have to promise me before we do this,” I state, trying to narrow my eyes at her and failing miserably.

“What’s that?” she questions me.

“You can’t tell anyone about this. Kim doesn’t even know. I mean, she accepted me working at the Naughty Peach without questioning me or telling me how stupid that is. This is another matter entirely and I’m not so sure she’d be on board with me meeting or talking to random men online,” I plead with her, knowing she can keep a secret if she chooses to.

“I won’t say a word. But, you have to know I won’t lie to Playboy if he asks me what we did today. So, we better do something other than just that so I don’t have to tell him about this portion of our day,” she informs me, letting me know I’m on my own when it comes to the men of the club.

“It’s a deal. So, what else are we gonna do?” I ask her, not necessarily ready to hear her answer.

I love Sam. She’s one of my best friends in the world besides Kim. However, when she gets an idea in her head, she can be hard to talk out of it. I’m not sure what she’d think of today just to ensure we don’t have to tell anyone else what I’m about to do. Sally is the only other woman I talk to about things. She’s been through her own personal hell Copyright 2016 - 2024