Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,23

in the door. While I go in search of my sister, Fox remains at the door with Brandon. I’m sure the Prospect is filling him in on what happened at the Naughty Peach. I don’t honestly care at this point. The only thing I want is the comfort my sister can offer me. And maybe some insight into what I should do.

I find her laying on the couch with a blanket covering her. Today must not be a good day for her as she simply follows my movements with her eyes. Sitting down at the end of her feet, I make sure the blanket is still tucked up around her, so she doesn’t get cold and remains warm and comfortable.

“What’s wrong?” my sister asks me, muting the TV so we can talk.

“I don’t want you to be disappointed in me,” I begin telling her. “While Killer was away, I got a job at the Naughty Peach. You know that adult toy store on the outskirts of town. They don’t care about my lack of work experience and they were willing to work around my appointments with Denise and the group session I go to.”

“What do you mean they were?” Kim questions me, not saying a word about me working at the store.

“Well, Killer ruined it all today. He came in while I was working and literally carried me from the store. Once we were outside he informed me I’m not going to be working there. We exchanged words before he kissed me. I’m so mad at him, I left him standing in the parking lot while Brandon followed me here,” I inform her about what happened in the parking lot of the Naughty Peach.

For several minutes Kim says absolutely nothing. When she finally recovers she bursts out in uncontrollable laughter. I remain sitting in my position on the couch while Fox races into the room to find out what’s got his woman laughing her ass off the way she currently is. He looks between us, confusion clearly on his face as I remain as still as a statue at my sister’s feet.

“What is wrong with her?” Fox questions me. “Did you break her?”

“No. I just told her what happened at the store today. I’m not sure why she’s laughing like a hyena right now,” I state, embarrassment taking over as my face and chest heat.

“About that, you can stay here as long as you want. I’ll head over to Killer’s and grab you some things. Is there anythin’ in particular you want?” Fox asks, resting a hand on Kim’s shoulder as she tries to finally calm herself down.

“My laptop for sure. And the charger for that and my phone. I’ll need some clothes too. That doesn’t mean I want you going through my underwear drawer though. So, just skip the underclothes. I’ll buy more if I have to. Plus, I need to call Brenda and find out what’s going on at the store. Maybe once I explain the situation, she’ll give me my job back. If not, I hope I never see Killer again,” I respond to him while keeping my eyes on my sister who now has tears running down her face.

Fox nods his head and leaves us in the room. I hear the front door shut before his bike roars to life outside. In a matter of seconds, he’s on his way to Killer’s house to collect some things for me while I stay with them. I’ve never been so mad to the point I don’t want to face someone in my life. Yeah, it should’ve happened with my father, Neil, and his associates, but I was quickly taught if that happened, I’d get an ass whoopin’ for my trouble. This is the first time in years, I’ve actually felt anger and acted on what I wanted to do while pissed off.

While we’re waiting for Fox to get back, Kim puts on a movie for us to watch. We snuggle onto the couch and make ourselves comfortable so we can remain here the rest of the day. It’s not the first time we’ve done this, and it certainly won’t be the last time we’ll have a movie marathon while we’re vegged out on the couch somewhere.

I’ve been at Kim and Fox’s house for a few days now. They’ve left me alone to deal with what I’m feeling. Especially after talking to Brenda and her letting me know there is no way she can give me a job back. Copyright 2016 - 2024