Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,22

there upset. I’m not even going to ask him to. Tomorrow is a new day and there’s a lot of things I have to do. One of those being to move all of Gwen’s things into my bedroom. Her bed and things will remain in the room she’s been staying in, but all of her personal belongings will be in my room where they should’ve been from the very beginning of her being under the same roof as me.

When Gwen comes home, and she will, I’m done letting her have her space to grow and experience new things. She can still do all of that. The only difference is they’ll be happening with me and only me. This game is done once and for all. I’ve been biding my time for so long now and the wait is almost over. I simply have to wait for Gwen to get over her being pissed off at me so we can take things to an entirely new level. One where she’s mine and I’m hers completely and without any doubt in anyone’s mind. There will be no more house bunnies for me, and she won’t ever have another man touch her.

Chapter Seven


KILLER IS SUCH a jerk. I can’t believe he came into the Naughty Peach and carried me out of there. Telling me where I can and can’t work isn’t his responsibility. As a matter of fact, I’m not his responsibility. He can go back to the clubhouse and leave me the hell alone. Then to kiss me as if he truly meant to kiss me. It felt like someone was stabbing me repeatedly in my heart. That’s not a feeling I ever want to relive again.

Don’t get me wrong, kissing Killer is something I’ve dreamt of since first laying eyes on him so long ago. It’s also something I know he doesn’t mean. I’m just one in his extremely long list of conquests. Well, he’s not going to be getting more than that single kiss from me. For my own self-preservation I can’t kiss him.

Kissing him filled me with feelings I’ve never felt in my life before. My entire body heated in an instant while a tremor went through my body. For the first time in my life, a man kissing me has caused my panties to become wet. Not simply wet; drenched from one kiss. A kiss Killer dominated.

When Killer first pressed his lips against mine, I froze in shock. Everything in me wanted to open my mouth and deepen the kiss more than what Killer was already doing. Instead, I kept him firmly locked out of my mouth by keeping my lips firmly together. He’s the first man to kiss me that I’ve actually wanted to kiss me. Neil doesn’t count because every kiss he stole from me wasn’t from my choosing. Those were kisses he didn’t have my permission to take. Now, I want to have more kisses with Killer.

Instead of getting rid of my crush on the man as anger fills me because he just cost me a job, my passion and crush on him has simply been fueled more. It’s like Killer is the flame and I’m a moth drawn to him because of it. Honestly, I hate him for kissing me because at this point, he’s always going to be on my mind and I’m never going to get rid of my crush on him.

When I left the store yesterday, instead of going back to his house, I went to my sister’s home. There is no way in hell I’m going to be under Killer’s roof for longer than I absolutely have to be. This is because he does nothing but piss me off. He can live his life however he wants to. Yet has something to say about the first thing I do for myself. Now, I’ll have to start looking for another job.

On the short trip to their home, I cried so hard I’m surprised I stayed on the road. The only thing keeping me straight was the deep, growling rumble of the bike following me. Brandon didn’t leave me alone; he followed me the entire way there and helped me to the door. The Prospect pulled me from my car and wrapped his arms around me in a quick hug before placing his arm around my shoulder and leading me to the door.

Fox answers and simply stares at the two of us. Without a word, he finally steps aside and lets me Copyright 2016 - 2024