Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,21

to be telling her this information.

“I have more say than what you think I do,” I counter, trying to keep my voice even as I continue staring at her.

Brandon, who’s still sitting on his bike, is forgotten as I press my body into Gwen’s. There isn’t a doubt in my mind about her feeling my hard cock pressing into her stomach. I certainly feel the tremor going through her body. At the same time, I feel her need for me coming off of her in waves. I’m sure she can feel how bad I want her. How bad I need her in my life for more than just a quick fuck.

There is no way I can help myself in this moment. Leaning in, I brush my lips against Gwen’s own. Hers are full and soft; just like I knew they’d be from the second I first saw her. Instead of kissing me back, she keeps her mouth firmly shut while trying to pull her head back from me. Once I break our kiss, I rest my forehead against her own. I was hooked on her before this moment. Now, I’m fully invested in her. One simple taste of our lips pressed against one another will never be good enough for me.

“What are you doing?” Gwen finally asks me, her voice trembling as I pull my head from hers and see her beautiful eyes filling with tears.

“Kissin’ you,” I respond dryly. “If you have to ask, then I’m not doin’ it right.”

“You’ve never attempted to kiss me before. There’s no point in you doing it now. Especially after you just cost me a job I wanted. Just because you don’t like where I happen to work. When are you gonna understand?” she pleads with me, pain filling her voice.

“What’s wrong?” I ask her, completely confused about what’s going through her head right now.

“You’ll never understand it. None of you will. I can’t even look at you right now,” she informs me, yanking her purse and keys from my hand.

Once Gwen is in her car, as I remain rooted to my spot, she leaves the parking lot. Brandon is the only one out of the two of us with enough brains left in his head to follow my woman. I’m not sure what the hell is wrong with her, other than me getting her fired and then kissing her.

Without anything to do, I finally break out of my haze and stalk toward my bike. This conversation isn’t over by a long shot. Gwen will finally hear what I have to say once and for all. I’ll be laying it all out on the table for her. There will be no doubt left in her mind about how much I want her and that I’m planning on taking her as mine. She will know without a doubt a rag will be coming her way and once I lay it all out, she’s not gonna have a chance to leave my side. No other man is good enough for my Sparrow.

Again, I race my way toward our home. Gwen should already be there and locked in her room. That’s what she does when she’s upset or pissed off. I’ve learned that enough. If she’s simply in her room, the door is left unlocked and music is blaring. When she’s upset, the door gets locked and complete silence fills the room.

Pulling into my driveway, her car isn’t in the spot she’s taken to leaving her car. It’s just off to the side of the garage. I’ve told her she can park in front, but she doesn’t do it. I’d rather not have her walking that far, but she’s stubborn as hell and won’t listen. I’ve learned to simply pick and choose my battles with her. Some things aren’t worth fighting over. Especially when I don’t want her upset about shit.

Walking through the house like I did before heading to Naughty Peach, dread settles in my gut at the realization that Gwen didn’t come home. She didn’t go far, that much I know. Gwen would never leave her sister behind for any reason. Her only reason to run is currently sitting behind bars for the time being. He won’t be sitting there for much longer now that I know what truly went down with her. I’ll be calling in some favors to ensure he takes his last breath.

There’s only one place she’ll go and that’s her sister’s house. Fox won’t let me see her if she’s Copyright 2016 - 2024