Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,20

and I doubt he even realizes it.

“Am I in trouble?” Brandon asks, fear flashing in his eyes as I park near the entrance of the store and angrily get off my bike.

“You’re not the one in trouble,” I respond, anger lacing my tone as I almost rip the door from its hinges while opening it.

Walking in the store, I see a man standing behind the counter. He goes to greet me, but it dies on his lips as I stalk through the store looking for Gwen. Turning my head to the left, I see her standing at a rack of different vibrators. She’s got one in her hand, studying the package while a box dangles from her other hand. For a minute, I stand back and simply watch her as she looks from one package to another. Her face is red as hell and I know she’s wondering who the hell would buy those. Or maybe she’s going to buy one for herself. I’m not sure which one at this point in time.

Finally, I can’t stand it anymore. Gwen needs to get the hell outta here and back home where she belongs. I’m not going to have her working here where all sorts of perverts shop for sex things. I imagine it wouldn’t take them long to ask her to try on the outfits. Something no one but me will ever be seeing her in. Though, I’m not sure why I’d ever want to cover her gorgeous, smooth, virgin skin with something so nasty. Lingerie doesn’t belong on her body. Nothing but her clothes or naked skin will be good enough for me. Ever.

Walking up behind her, I remove the box from her hand and place the package she’s still holding on top of it after placing it on top of the shelf. Bending down because she’s so tiny, I place my shoulder in her stomach and lift her up over my shoulder. I turn around and make my way to the counter.

“Where’s Gwen’s things?” I bark out to the man behind the counter with a magazine in front of him.

He doesn’t say a word to me as he bends down to retrieve her purse and keys for me. I’m not even sure if it’s all her stuff. At this point, I really don’t give a shit. The only thing I can think of is getting her the fuck outta here and making our way home. I don’t care if she hates me or feels I’m taking away her independence. It’s insane the things this tiny, slip of a girl makes me feel.

“Killer!” Gwen hollers out, pounding on my back. “Put me down. Right now!”

I’m sure she’s been pounding on my back since I picked her up, but until this very second, I didn’t hear her. The blood was rushing to my ears as my body came alive for the first time in my life. From simply carrying a woman over my shoulder, which I’ve done plenty of times before in the past, my body is on fire and my cock is harder than it’s ever been in my entire life.

Getting her out to her car, after bypassing my bike, I finally place her on her feet. When Gwen goes to storm past me, I block her path and press her body against her car behind her. She simply stares at me while her breathing saws in and out of her body. Her pulse point is beating frantically as her eyes are narrowed to slits.

“What do you think you’re doing?” she questions me, standing up as tall as she can in front of me.

“You’re not workin’ here. Thought I made that perfectly clear before I left for the run,” I state, never taking my own narrowed eyes off the tiny Sparrow in front of me.

“You have no say where I work or what I do. My life is just that; mine. It has nothing to do with you and what you think I should or shouldn’t be doing,” she lets me know, her voice razor tight as if she’s spewing out glass at me.

Gwen’s face is red. Not from embarrassment or her shyness this time. No, this time it’s from all the pent-up anger she’s been holding inside for so long with no outlet. There are plenty of ways I can show her how to release all of it, only the ones where she’s naked are the ones I’m looking forward to experiencing with her. Now also isn’t the time Copyright 2016 - 2024