Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,25

and neither one of us are ol’ ladies. Kim isn’t an ol’ lady yet either, but she’s as good as one since her and Fox are pretty much inseparable. They live together, are there for one another, and share their lives. The only thing she’s missing is the rag. He’ll get there and make sure she has one when the time is right for them.

Sally and I usually bitch about Killer and Stryker. While Sally and Stryker have a different kind of relationship than Killer and I do, we still complain about them. Stryker wants more than she can give him after the death of Killian, a member of the Wild Kings MC. I want more with Killer than he’d ever be willing to give me. He’s definitely not a one-woman type of guy. I’ve seen the proof way too many times to count. I’m just the one he won’t have sex with for some reason. The girl who’s always around because of my situation and relationship with Kim. More often than not, I feel as if I’m in the way and people from the club only hang out with me because they feel sorry for me. Not a single one of them need to pity me or keep me around to keep Kim happy.

“I’ll give you a makeover and we’ll use that to put pictures of you on your profile. How does that sound?” she asks, already looking over me as if to see what we can do.

“I guess we can. I have to warn you, I don’t have much in the way of clothes here with me. Fox hasn’t let me get the rest of my things from Killer’s house for some reason. So, I’ve got what he packed me and I’m not sure it’s all that good for a makeover. Plus, I don’t have any make-up or anything here,” I state, looking around the barren room at the duffle bag of clothes sitting in the corner.

Sam jumps from the bed and makes her way over to the bag. She rifles through what’s in there, pulling out a pair of jeans with holes in all the right places along with a tank top I normally wear to bed because it’s one of the more daring ones I have. It shows way too much skin and I’m not sure that’s an image I want to portray on a dating website. I give her a doubtful look as she lays the outfit on the bed.

She also pulls out a cute black dress I have along with a pair of shorts and a flowing shirt that hangs off one shoulder. It’s one of my favorite outfits because it lets me feel like a woman, but conceals most of my body at the same time. Knowing she has the outfits I’ll be wearing set; Sam moves on to picking up her bag and going through it. after pulling out a few smaller bags, she motions for me to move over and sit on the bed.

Once I’m where she wants me, Sam leaves my room for a few minutes. She rushes back in with a curling iron. Well, Kim now knows I’m getting a makeover. This should be interesting.

‘I’m going to get your make-up for the first outfit done and then we’ll curl your hair. That okay with you?” she questions me, looking at my face because I can’t lie without giving myself away.

“I guess so. You’re in charge for this part,” I respond to her, letting her take control of the situation for a few minutes.

We talk about random things as Sam works her magic on me. Like I said, I don’t do my make-up more than a little eyeshadow and some mascara. Sam is going all out though. I’m not even sure what she’s putting all over my face right now. At least until she begins to brush eyeshadow on my lids. Before I can open them again, she makes me keep them closed. I feel her running something over them and then I feel the mascara wand being swept across my lashes.

Once she’s done putting make-up on me, she steps back and holds out a mirror for me to see her handy work. I study my reflection in the small handheld mirror. The person staring back at me doesn’t look like me. This woman has dark eyeshadow with the line going past my eye. My lips are painted in the neutral color while my cheeks have an almost golden tint Copyright 2016 - 2024