Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,13


“Is Callie okay?” I ask about Bear’s ol’ lady.

“She’s fine. Bitch didn’t lay a hand on her. If she had, you wouldn’t be here right now to get her,” he confirms what I already suspected.

“You ready to go?” I question her, not really caring if she’s not.


Kelly’s voice is shrill and kills my ears as it grates along my nerves. Yeah, I won’t be talking to her on the ride home. Vault even shudders in repulsion. I’m sure he’ll be taking a nap lasting the entire ride back if he can help it.

After shaking hands with Renegade and Psycho, we make our way back to the SUV. Had and Tash are clapping their hands as Vault opens the back of the SUV so Kelly can put her bags in there for the trip. We’re not even helping her do that. Once she hefts the bags in the back, I watch on as Kelly flips both women off. Tash has to hold her friend back as Vault tries to hustle Kelly into the front seat of the SUV. It’s certainly not to protect her, it’s because we respect these ol’ ladies and I’m not going to watch a bitch try to get one of them to fight because she wants to. Especially with kids nearby.

Once I’m settled in the driver’s seat, I turn to face the skank.

“You think of pullin’ shit like that again around me, and you’ll be dealt with. We don’t tolerate that shit and if you mess up with us, you’ll be out on your ass without question. There will be no other club for you to go to,” I inform her, keeping the malice in my voice so she knows I’m not kidding. “You have one shot after the shit Renegade told Slim. Anythin’ else and you’re out. There is no probation or anythin’ else for you. Do you understand me?”

Kelly nods her head and places her hand on my thigh. I immediately toss her hand off, turn in my seat to face forward, and start the engine so we can head back. It’s going to be a long fucking ride if this is what I’m going to have to deal with. Vault chuckles in the backseat as he gets comfortable. Yeah, he can laugh that shit up all he wants. I’ll make sure he gets some form of payback.

It’s almost dark by the time we get back to the clubhouse. Kelly is on my last nerve. Not only did she try to give me head while I was driving and almost refused to back down when I repeatedly told her no, she whined the entire trip. She wanted to stop to use the bathroom, get something to eat, get drinks, and a list of a million other reasons to stop for a few minutes. Honestly, I’m sure she only wanted to try to fuck me instead of giving me a blowjob. Or maybe Vault since she looked back at him a few times too. Bitch doesn’t have a clue.

When we walk inside the clubhouse, I see all the members are here and waiting on us. Kelly’s eyes widen in appreciation as she looks around the room. Her eyes landing on Playboy as what I’m guessing is supposed to be a sexy grin covers her face. Even with Sam sitting on his lap, Kelly still licks her lips and tries to look sexy for him. Playboy simply turns his head in the opposite direction. Kelly huffs out as she realizes he won’t even look at her.

“Here’s how this shit is gonna go,” Slim speaks up, walking up close to us. “I took you from Renegade as a favor to a brother. You fuck up one time and you’re out on your ass. He filled me in on all you’ve been doin’ there and it won’t fly here. The taken men are off limits. You try to fuck one of them, you’re gone. If you try to fuck with the ol’ ladies, or any other woman associated with this club, you’re out on your ass. And if you don’t want to follow our rules, we have ways of makin’ you do so.”

“You hit women?” she asks, for the first time since meeting her, fear fills her voice.

“Fuck no, we don’t hit women,” Stryker hollers out, knocking over a chair in his anger at her assumption. “We have someone who comes in to deal with women like you. She’s from another club and has no problem takin’ her rage Copyright 2016 - 2024