Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,14

out on skanks like you who don’t know how to listen.”

“Now, everyone head into church,” Slim addresses all of us before turning back toward Kelly. “You can’t touch a single man here until you’ve been fully checked out by our doctor. Plus, we’re runnin’ a background check on you. You better hope it comes back clean. Now, for the next few days you’ll be helpin’ around the clubhouse. You’ll cook, clean, and do whatever a man or woman here tells you to do. Well, all the women except the other house bunnies. If you have a problem with that, leave now and save me the fuckin’ time.”

Kelly nods her head in response as Shy steps forward. Slim introduces her to Kelly and ensures she knows Shy is the Queen of our club. She’ll be showing Kelly where she’ll be staying and going over the rules. For now, the rest of us head into our meeting room for church.

Once we’re all in our seats, Slim slams the gavel against the table.

“Called to order,” he begins. “Today is gonna be short and sweet. Vault has brought an idea to my attention and we need to vote on it. There’s a small town called Cedar Bay. That’s where he landed when he left here to find himself. They’re in trouble. Bein’ run by a dealer and pimp. The small tourist town is sinkin’ because these assholes have taken over everythin’. I don’t want to see shit like that happen and I know most of you agree with me. Now, Vault doesn’t want to stay in Benton Falls anymore. He wants to leave here but wants to remain in the club. So, he’s proposin’ startin’ a new chapter in Cedar Bay. Anyone have any questions?”

For a few minutes, no one says anything. Finally, Stryker speaks up.

“Are you sure this is what you wanna do? Once we vote yes on this, if it goes that way, there is no backin’ out when you realize how hard that shit’s gonna be,” he questions Vault.

“It’s what I need. This town needs help. Bad,” Vault responds, avoiding looking at his brother.

When no one else says a word, we all go around the table with our votes. Not a single man here denies Vault his request. There are still details we’ll have to work out, but he can leave here in a few days.

“Anythin’ else?” Slim questions, picking the gavel back up.

“I’m goin’ with him,” Valor speaks up, making Vault jolt his head in his brother’s direction. “If my brother isn’t gonna be here in the club, neither am I. We’re better together and need the time away after everythin’.”

Vault nods his head and I see the first crack of his shattered heart begin to heal. He’s felt as if he’s all alone in this world since we lost Hound. Now, he’s beginning to understand we’ve been here all along waiting for him to be ready to open up to us. Valor needed to make this move for their small family to begin to heal.

“I don’t have a problem with that,” Slim says, the ghost of a smile on his face as he looks at the brothers. “Anyone else want to head out with them, let me know and we’ll talk about it. I’ll also reach out to Butcher’s chapter to see if any of his guys want to head out with you.”

Slim bangs the gavel on the table to call church as we all stand and make our way out of the room. When I make it into the common room, I see Kelly sitting at a table with Shy. Tears are streaking down Kelly’s face, but I don’t pay her any attention. She’s not my concern. At this point, I don’t even hang around with the guys as I make my way straight for the front door.

Mia steps in my path before I can make it there. When I attempt to step around her, she places a hand against my chest and laughter bubbles out of her. Holding up a plain, black bag, I take it from here after realizing it’s the stuff she bought from Naughty Peach.

“Here’s your stuff, sexy. I’ll be more than happy to try that all out with you,” she tries to purr thinking that’s attractive or something.

“Not interested,” I growl out.

“Well, I think you’ll be interested to know about the Peach’s newest employee,” she states, stalling me from leaving even longer.

“The fuck you talkin’ about?” I demand.

“Gwen is working there now. She Copyright 2016 - 2024