Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,12

when we get home.

Getting out of the SUV at the Satan’s Anarchy clubhouse, I take a minute to stretch my body out from hours sitting behind the wheel. Hadliegh and Natasha are sitting outside with their kids as I nod in their direction. Both women wave back at me before I turn to make my way inside the clubhouse.

Vault follows me inside as our eyes adjust to the dim interior. There was definitely a party here last night based on the smells assaulting my senses right now. Plus, the Prospects cleaning up the common room is another pretty good indicator. The few members sitting in the common room are looking rough as hell.

“Killer, it’s good to see you,” Renegade calls out, walking from one of the back hallways.

“You too. Where is this bitch?” I question, wanting to get back on the road so we can get home for church.

“She’s makin’ sure she got all of her shit. You guys are gonna have your hands full. I’ve had to pull Had off of her more than once already. Bitch hasn’t even been here a month,” Psycho answers me, walking up behind his brother.

“We got one of them ourselves. She’ll be gone soon. If this bitch isn’t ready to play by our rules, she’ll be out on her ass quicker than fuck. It will suck for her too since she doesn’t know anyone in Benton Falls,” I assure the brothers in charge of Satan’s Anarchy.

“Her name is Kelly. She’s barely twenty-two and thinks her shit don’t stink. That she’s better than anyone in this clubhouse. Even tried to tell Tash she couldn’t do whatever she wanted in here because it’s up to me what everyone does. Yet the skankarilla doesn’t know how to listen to her own advice,” Renegade informs me as we wait for the bitch to meet us out here.

“Mia is just as bad. She thinks she’s top bitch in the clubhouse because we all put together a list of the most asinine things from the local adult store for her to go get. That was just before I left the clubhouse to come here. She’s always pushin’ up on us all tryin’ to get us to fuck her. Hasn’t realized she’s been there a while now and only one brother has touched her. He only got a blowjob from her and said she can’t suck cock to save her life,” I fill them in on our problem skank.

“Kelly is just as bad. She’s made her rounds here of the brothers and doesn’t know how to keep her hands off the taken guys. Grave would never hit a woman and she’s pushed him to the point he’s had to leave the clubhouse because he came damn close to hittin’ her. Made his woman cry and got all the kids in the back worked up durin’ a family day,” Psycho lets me know how bad she really is.

“Yeah, Shy will knock her ass the fuck out if she tries to pull that shit at our place,” Vault finally speaks up for the first time since arriving.

Nodding my head, I see a woman walking from a different hallway. She’s got two huge bags of her shit and I know this is Kelly. She definitely has the look of a skank based on how little clothing she’s wearing and the smirk on her face as her eyes land on Vault and me. Kelly’s eyes are now lowered as she stops next to me. I shudder at the amount of make-up caked on her face. She has definitely been rode hard and put away wet by someone. For someone so young, she looks much older than her years.

Kelly has brown hair that lost its shine long ago. Her eyes are hidden by smokey make-up with fake lashes, while her lips are paper thin, and there are bruises and cuts all over her face. The make-up won’t even cover the shit up because it looks fresh as hell. She has old track marks covering her arms. Tattoos fill her skin however they look old, uncared for, and as if they were done in prison. Not an attractive look for anyone, much less a woman who wants to fuck bikers who aren’t into using drugs.

“What happened to your face?” Vault questions her before I can shut him up.

“She got into a fight last night. Callie had one of her dogs here and when this bitch went after Cal, Tank got a piece of her,” Renegade informs Copyright 2016 - 2024