Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,11

the club who saved her when no one else could. My family is gone. I’ve got myself and that’s it. Too much shit around here reminds me of the one person I’ll never have back in my life.”

“Look, we all miss your dad. A lot. That doesn’t mean you have to leave everythin’ you love behind,” I let him know, realizing this is the most he’s talked since we buried Hound.

“I already talked to Slim about what I need to do. You’re gonna have church when we get back to give me a final answer,” Vault says, turning his attention back out the window.

“What’s that?”

“Movin’ to Cedar Bay and openin’ up my own chapter of the club. I’ve already talked to Slim about it. There aren’t the reminders there of my dad and I can get away from everythin’ here,” he tells me, keeping his gaze firmly locked on the passing scenery.

Not only am I shocked to shit right now, I know everything here isn’t what Vault wants to get rid of. He wants to get rid of Annabell. Even if he doesn’t say the words, he’s running from her. Vault isn’t a complicated man to figure out. He loves with everything in him and takes shit hard. Not only that, but he keeps to himself. There isn’t a single person he’s talked to about the loss of his father. Or what he truly feels for Annabell. We all know he wants her as his ol’ lady but he won’t take that step.

I honestly have no room to talk to him about that shit. When it comes to Gwen, I won’t make a fucking move on her either. I’m lying to myself when I say I want her to get some experience in the world. Go out on some dates and live her life the way she wants to. I know when I get my hands on her, she will be mine. Gwen will be lucky if I let her leave my fucking bed when I finally get to sink deep inside her body.

Gwen walks around the house in the skimpiest clothes I’ve ever seen her in. Usually, her body is covered to the point only her face and hands are seen. While that’s been slowly changing, I’ve never seen the clothes she’s been wearing around me. It’s only been recently I’ve gotten glimpses of her toned, tight body as she wears bathing suits and short cut offs with tank tops. Her skin is a golden brown from time spent in the sun. Her hair is even becoming lighter because of the sun making the brown and golden blonde shades become even lighter. She’s stunning without even trying. What makes it even harder is being able to see her nipples poking through her shirts when she’s not wearing a bra around the house.

We don’t have conversations or hang out in the living room together watching shitty TV or movies I have no interest in. When we’re in the house at the same time, Gwen stays holed up in her temporary room. The only signs I know she’s awake is because of the music coming out from under the door when I walk by. She’s got an eclectic taste in music. I’ve heard rock, country, sad songs, and things I never thought I’d hear from her. Including Pony by Ginuwine.

Shaking my head, I clear out all thoughts of Gwen from my mind. She can’t be taking up space when I’m not there to see her. Or touch her body to see if her skin feels as smooth as I know it actually is. Even if it’s slowly killing me to live in the same space as her. It’s a torture I’m willing to endure because in the end she will be mine. For now, it’s a matter of playing the long game to ensure she’s mine. At least in my mind that’s how I’m playing things.

The rest of the drive, Vault and I remain silent. There’s no need to talk as we’re both thinking of what we need to. I’m trying to keep my mind on this new bitch coming to our clubhouse and what the ride back is going to entail. Vault already said he’s not going to ride up front on the way home. He’ll take a nap in the back. I’m fine with him sleeping because he’s a light sleeper and will wake if anything happens where I need him. If not, he’ll be rested up for church Copyright 2016 - 2024