Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,116

I have the urge and need to get to Gwen. She’s going to fucking hate me for not being here for her.

When I get to the door on the correct floor, I almost trip over it in my rush to get to Gwen’s room. I can hear more than one woman screaming out her pain as I look at the numbers posted outside the doors of the rooms. I feel completely lost right now as Stryker finally puts his hand on my shoulder to stop me and turn me into the right room.

“Gwen!” I yell out as I force my way through her closed door. “Sparrow, I’m here.”

“Killer, I hate you so much right now,” she says as I take in her appearance.

Gwen is pale and sweat covers her face and what little I can see of her body. Kim has a washcloth placed against Gwen’s forehead as she holds her hand.

“I’m so sorry I wasn’t here for you,” I tell her, placing kisses all over her face.

“I don’t hate you because you weren’t here. I know you wouldn’t ignore me when I call if it’s not about club business. You’re here now and that’s all that matters. I hate you because this hurts so fucking bad!” she yells out as pain rips through her body.

“What do you need, Sparrow? What’s the doctor said so far?” I question her, knowing she probably won’t be able to answer me as I turn my eyes toward Kim.

“She’s almost ready to push. If it doesn’t happen soon, they’re going to do a cesarean section because one of the babies is in distress,” Kim informs me as I look at the monitor next to me when an alarm begins to go off.

Nurses and her doctor rush in the room and take a look at everything. Kim and I are pushed out of the way while they pay attention to my woman. Panic consumes me as I watch every move they make at Gwen’s side.

“Gwen, we need to get you to the operating room. We can’t wait any longer,” her doctor informs us. “Killer, you can go in with her, but no one else can.”

We nod as they prepare to move Gwen down to the operating room. I walk Kim out to the waiting room where Fox takes her from me as I follow the nurse and get dressed up in the scrubs I need to wear to be by my wife’s side. Once I’m ready, I’m led into the room where her doctor and the nurses are almost ready to deliver our babies. The nurse with me tells me to sit on the small stool next to Gwen’s head so I can hold her hand while our girls are cut out of her.

“Killer, this is gonna go fast,” the doctor warns me. “The girls will be taken by the nurses immediately and check them out before you see them. We want to make sure there’s nothing wrong with the baby who’s having distress.”

There’s nothing I can do except for nod my head. I look down at Gwen and see the fear in her eyes.

“Killer, I’m scared,” she says, tears spilling over her lids.

“I know you are, Sparrow. I’ll stay with you and make sure Stryker stays with our girls,” I assure her, placing a kiss against her lips.

“No. You stay with our girls,” she yells at me.

“Gwen, you’re going to feel some pressure now,” her doctor tells her.

It seems like seconds before I hear the first cry of our daughter. As I watch from my spot behind the curtain, two of the nurses take our daughter away to the opposite side of the room. In a few more seconds, there’s another cry we hear. This one is slightly softer and higher pitched than the first one. Tears fill my eyes as I realize we’re now parents. I’m a father.

“I love you, Sparrow,” I tell her, leaning down to place a kiss on her forehead as a smile fills her face and tears roll down my face.

“I love you too, Killer,” she tells me. “Go with our babies.”

Giving her one last kiss, I follow the nurses from the room with our daughters. I’m not sure where we’re heading as I leave the operating room and see Stryker leaning against the wall outside the room we were in. I let him know to stay with my wife and he nods his head. Quickly, I catch up to the nurses and they let me in the nursery Copyright 2016 - 2024