Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,117

with them. I watch on as they clean up our babies and perform a bunch of different tasks regarding them. Including putting small diapers on their bodies, hats on their heads, and wrap them up in blankets.

My girls scream the entire time and my heart breaks for them. They’re so small and fear grips me. The nurses don’t seem to be being too gentle with them and I want to yell and scream at them, but I reign my shit in. By the time they’re done with my daughters and we can head back to Gwen’s room, my wife is passed out. I sit down in the chair and watch over my family as the rest of our family wait out in the waiting room until they can see the girls and Gwen.

Chapter Thirty-One


I’M SO EXHAUSTED. I never knew giving birth would wipe me out as much as it has. Honestly, I feel as if I haven’t slept in years instead of taking a nap just before going into labor. As my eyes slowly slide open, panic overtakes me when I don’t immediately see the girls. Looking over in the chair by the window, I see Killer wearing a pair of gray sweats and nothing else. Even his feet are bare. I’ve never seen him look sexier than right in this moment. My ovaries are going to explode even though I just gave birth.

Sitting up in the chair is Killer, sound asleep. Both of our girls are cradled against his chest. The only thing I can see is one of the Harley blankets covering their backs and little pink hats covering their heads. My husband has his arms wrapped around our girls and this is a moment in time I need to capture. Looking at the rolling table next to my bed, I see my phone resting there. Picking it up, I unlock the screen and point my phone at my little family while they sleep. Taking a few pictures of them, I watch as Killer begins to stir.

“Sparrow, how are you feelin’?” he asks, his voice hoarse and filled with sleep.

“I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck,” I respond honestly.

“I’m sorry baby. Do you want to see our girls?” he questions me as I begin nodding my head while he stands with them in his arms like a pro.

Walking slowly over to me, the girls squirm in his arms. Once he’s right next to the bed I’m currently in, Killer leans down and settles the girls in my arms. Tears roll down my face as I take in our babies. They’re perfect as I look at their ten little fingers and ten tiny toes. Moving their hats a little bit, one of our daughters has straight black fuzz covering her head. Our other little one has no hair on her head. Still she’s perfect in my eyes.

As I’m looking down at them, they begin to stir even more and begin to cry. At the same time a nurse comes in the room and looks at us. Or I should say, stares at Killer. Yeah, this is not happening.

“Goodbye,” I tell her, not even looking in her direction.

“Excuse me?” she questions.

“You’re not here to stare at my husband. I don’t want you in here while I’m here,” I tell her, finally looking up at her as she keeps her gaze on Killer.

Turning my head to my husband, I see him staring at me with a smirk on his face.

“Sparrow, you want her outta here?” he asks me as the girls cry and wiggle in my arms.

“Now,” I say, trying to untie my gown so I can nurse them.

“You heard my wife, get the fuck outta here,” he says, his voice low and deadly.

Leaning over my body, he unties the gown and steps around the bed where the nurse is still rooted to her spot. He blocks my body from her view as he helps me position a baby at each one of my boobs so they can nurse. I’ve only read about tandem feedings in books and wanted to try it so that’s what we’re doing.

It feels so weird as our daughters’ nurse. I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world though as Killer adjusts them so he can pull the blanket up over their small bodies. It’s cold in our room and we can’t adjust the temperature. Just another one of the shitty things about being in the hospital.

Once the girls are done nursing, Killer takes Copyright 2016 - 2024