Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5) - Erin Osborne Page 0,115

around us. Neil can’t slump to the floor since he’s still chained from the rafter in the ceiling. Looking at his body once more, I take a deep breath of relief and know my wife and kids will never have to worry again. I know I already told her that, but you never know what’s going to happen. Neil proved that by getting multiple people in our club.

We did manage to get it out of him where Maria’s sister was being held. No one was there guarding her as Tommy went to the address and found her. She’s relatively okay. Neil’s focus was on getting to Gwen, so he didn’t do hardly anything at all to the young girl. She’ll have a scar on her head from where he slammed her head off the open door of the car he tossed her in and I’m sure she’ll need to have some therapy after being kidnapped and held. We assured Maria we’d cover all expenses both medical and for her mental health. She thanked us and left. Yesterday we got to meet her sister and parents since they wanted to thank us for saving their youngest daughter.

It was one of the moments I’m proud to be a member of the Phantom Bastards. We got to see how the good we do affects people. Maria’s family lives close to the clubhouse so we’ll be able to check in on them often. I can’t wait to see their family grow even closer after this. Slim also told Maria she could come back to the clubhouse as an employee if she wants to. We always need help behind the bar and cleaning up around here. Maria accepted the position and will begin to work tomorrow.

When we get up to the common room for a quick shot before I head to my room for a shower, Shy comes flying in the front door. She’s pissed as fuck as her eyes land on me and she races for me.

“What the fuck is going on with you guys?” she yells out, pointing her finger in my chest.

“What’s goin’ on?” Slim asks her, trying to pull her away from me.

“Your wife is currently at the hospital because she woke up in labor. Her water has already broken and everything. We’ve all been trying to call all of you since Kim and Sam took her out of here,” Shy yells out, not caring that we’re all standing around her.

I quickly pull my phone from my pocket and look at the screen. It’s filled with missed calls and messages. Instead of ringing, my phone is on vibrate and I never felt it while we were down dealing with Neil. What the fuck?

Instead of getting a drink, I race to my room and take a quick shower. I can’t show up to the hospital covered in Neil’s blood. Not only will Gwen kill me, but they’ll also probably call in the cops and then I’ll be heading to prison for killing the piece of shit. Clearing my head from those thoughts, I strip my clothes off and get in the shower as soon as the water turns on.

By the time I’m out of the shower and dressed, everyone is waiting in the common room for me. Stryker, Rich, and myself were the main ones to get covered in blood. The rest were only hit in the clothes or their cut which they’ve already cleaned or changed. I race past them all and head for my bike. Once I’m on, I start the engine and race toward the hospital. Shy and the rest of the women will be there soon. They just need to figure out who to get to watch the kids to join us.

When I get to the hospital, I park my bike right in front of the doors. Someone will move it to a parking space for me as I race into the hospital and stop at the front desk.

“I’m lookin’ for Gwen Long,” I practically shout out as Stryker and Rich race up to my side.

The older woman at the computer seems to take forever typing in Gwen’s name. I’m about to yell at her when Playboy puts his hand on my shoulder to calm me down. Finally, after an eternity of waiting, the woman gives me Gwen’s room number on the maternity floor. I bypass the elevator and make my way to the stairs. Taking them two at a time, I don’t wait for anyone else as Copyright 2016 - 2024