Just My Luck - Alice Winters Page 0,108

replaces the dog in the window. “Is this what you call window shopping?”

“I… don’t think it is,” I say.

“Hmm… but what if I like what I see?” he asks.

I narrow my eyes at him. “No flirting while I’m naked.”

“Why? Harder to hide your arousal? Is that why you sleep in a full body suit?”

I glare at him but he seems unaffected as I turn my back to him. “Here, enjoy my ass because I’m going to ignore you.”

“You missed a spot.”

I flip him off as he cackles. “There’s nothing awkward about trying to wash yourself while someone watches but doesn’t participate,” I say as I throw a glare over my shoulder.

He just beams at me as I smack the shower off. And of course once that’s off, he disappears. It’s not as fun when he can’t torment me. I turn around and grab my towel before drying off, but when I go to get dressed, I notice all of my clothes are gone from the counter.

“Shepherd! Where the hell are my clothes?”

“Haven’t seen them. Oh wait, is that your underwear Bear’s eating?”

I push the door open with the towel wrapped around myself and look over at the bed where Shepherd is sitting.

He stares at me until my eyebrows knit and then he just smiles.

“What?” Why’s he look so freaking suspicious?

“Come here.”

I slowly walk over to him as he holds his hands out. He grabs my wrist with one hand and my towel with the other. He tosses the towel and pulls me onto his lap. Slowly, he draws his fingers up my side before reaching out to me and cupping my cheek.

“I never thought I could love anyone or find someone who could love me back or care about me or any of that,” he says, voice soft and gentle.

He leans in and kisses me as his words fill me with warmth. He’s so easy to care about and love that I can’t imagine why he’d ever think that. I lean into him, my hand cupping his face as my other arm wraps around his bare back.

He pulls back and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. “I always drove off everyone else with my issues, but you’ve never once pressured me or made me feel like I was foolish or stupid. With them, it was always ‘It’s just sex’ or ‘You’ll love it once I get ahold of you.’ And I would force myself to try because I thought that maybe they were right. But even if I topped every time, I still didn’t want to and then I couldn’t get it up and then that was a fucking mess. But you… you never pressured me, and I want you, Killian. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything. And now I realize what it’d be like to desire someone. To want to feel them and touch them. I want to be inside you, to touch you, to love you.”

I nod because I want to be whatever I can with him, and I don’t trust my words. Waiting for him has been the easiest thing I’ve ever done in my life because I wanted to, more than anything. I’ve never wanted him to feel pressured. “Shepherd, I would wait my entire life for you because I thought that I was supposed to always be alone. Always be a pawn in some sick, fucked-up world, and you showed me how much more there is to my life. I’m tired of being manipulated. I don’t want to have to change for anyone. I want to be the person I was supposed to be, and you’ve shown me that I can. That I’m allowed to laugh and joke and love and care.”

He kisses me again, but this time the kiss is slow and filled with all our unspoken words and thoughts. We don’t need any more words to understand that we want each other. No… we need each other.

His tongue brushes against mine as heat rises in my body and I lift my hips so I can press into him. So I can feel his naked chest and body against mine. His hand slowly draws down my back to my ass before rising back up again. I hear the rustle of the bag we brought from the store as he reaches inside it and pulls out some lubricant.

I want to touch him, but I don’t know what to do. I know he just said he wanted to go further, but

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