Just My Luck - Alice Winters Page 0,107

reach the cabin. I think we’ve let things cool long enough,” Shepherd says.

“Can we just pretend none of this happened and go back to playing honeymooners?” I ask.

He hooks his arm around me and pulls me in close before kissing the side of my head. “I wish.”

God, do I fucking wish.

At the hotel, I leave him to deal with the lady since we really don’t need anyone getting a good look at my face, even with the sunglasses that are ridiculously dark indoors. I’m so lost in thought that I don’t notice Shepherd until he’s beside me.

“What are you thinking about?” Shepherd asks.

“Oh, just wishing to get away from this. And to make you my slave.”

“Really?” Shepherd asks.

“Yep,” I say as I head into the elevator with him. “After this I’m going to force you to cook food for me.”

“That’s your wish for when this is over? More food?”

“Yes, you made me eat gas station food yesterday and it was horrible. Do you not remember that I’m rich and should be served on a silver platter!” I say.

He watches me for a moment before his eyes narrow. “I feel like you’re mocking me, and while I might have said those words, I highly doubt it because I’m borderline perfect, honestly.”

I glance over at him as he pulls the sunglasses down just to wink at me and I hate how hot it is. “Ew.”

He slides them back up as he laughs, clearly enjoying torturing me far too much. We head out of the elevator and down the hall before reaching our room.

“I’m going to take a shower,” he says.

“Can I take one with you?”

“Nope,” he says, surprising me. “My time limit for being with you is twenty-three hours and fifty minutes a day.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “Fine, be a bitch. I’ll…” I look around but the only thing that’s prepared to be with me for a full twenty-four hours is Bear. “I’ll… snuggle with Bear then.”

“Enjoy,” he says as he heads into the bathroom.

I scrutinize the door while wondering if something’s wrong. He generally pulls me into the bathroom to force me to watch him bathe as some sick type of torture. I mean, it’s not like I can hide what it does to me, so he’s very aware it’s torture.

“Your daddy’s good at torture,” I tell Bear as I fluff his fur.

He pants in agreement, so I go over to the thermostat and turn it cooler.

Then I wait… and wait…

I’m waiting so long that I start to think something’s wrong and rush over to the door to ask when it’s pulled open.

“Perv much?” he asks.

“Maybe a little,” I say as I hold up my fingers to show how little it is. It’s not my fault there’s an extremely large gap between them.

“Look at this,” he says as he pushes me into the bathroom and shuts the door with him on the outside.

Then I hear a squeaking noise and turn as he opens a sliding glass mirror that leaves a gap so I can look out onto the bed from in the bathroom. “I can watch you shower or piss from the bed.”

“Oh god, no,” I say as I quickly slide it shut. It slowly squeaks open again.

“I thought you liked being pervy and wouldn’t mind me watching.”

Why the hell is this here? Who would want to have a window into the bathroom! “Yeah, well, you told me you hated me and wanted nothing to do with me,” I say as I lean over the sink to slide the window shut again.

It instantly slides open again. “I actually said I was sick of seeing your face,” Shepherd says.

I give him a mock look of horror. “That’s even worse!” I slam it shut. “I’m getting naked now. Don’t peek at me, perv.”

The mirror window doesn’t slide open again and I find I’m slightly disappointed. I turn to the shower to see that it has no door. Instead, the water just runs down into the drain in the middle of the bathroom floor. So I turn it on and step under it as I hear the window squeak open.

I quickly turn around to see Bear with his paws up on the sill, big head stuffed through the window.

“Even your dog’s a perv, Shepherd!” I say.

Bear leaps up, or at least tries to, and now he’s teetering half inside the bathroom, half out. He’s flailing around as Shepherd grabs him. “What’s that? Were you telling me I’m sexy?” Shepherd asks as he

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