Just My Luck - Alice Winters Page 0,109

will my touches drive him away? I pull back from his lips. “Shepherd?”

“Hmm?” he asks as he kisses my throat and cheek, like he can’t stop touching me even for a moment.

“Can I touch you?”

He nods, so I let my hands wander down his chest to his stomach and back up as I feel his wet finger slip between my ass cheeks. He rubs over me as I press into him, wanting more but not wanting to rush him. His finger pushes inside me, stroking me as my hands slide down his sides before I slip just a finger under the band of his boxer briefs. But I don’t go any further because I want it to be his idea. He rocks his hips into me and my hard cock rubs against him, making me groan, especially when a second finger slowly pushes inside me.

He reaches down and grabs my hand in his before slowly guiding my hand to his cock, giving me permission to touch him. I’m surprised and happy to see that when my hand slips under the band, his cock is as hard as mine. He wants me. We might have taken a long road to get here, but he wants me as much as I want him.

By the time a third finger fills me, I need him out of his underwear, especially when I hear his low groan caused by the movement of my hand, but I don’t know if he’s afraid to commit that far. So I just kiss him and touch him and love him, knowing that I’m ready whenever he makes the step.

He lifts me up before laying me down on my back and hovering over me. While his fingers rub inside me, his other hand goes to my cock, stroking it tantalizingly slow.

“Can… can you take your underwear off?” I ask.

He nods as he pulls away from me to slip it off. When he returns, I grab the box of condoms that lie right inside the bag and pull them out. I open one before looking up at him.

“We don’t have to go all the way. We can finish like this,” I say, even though I feel like I would die a little if I didn’t have him inside me before this ends.

“No, I want to keep going,” he says. “I’m doing good. You’re making this more than good.”

He leans over me and kisses my lips. When he pulls back, I remember his shoulder.

“You okay with your shoulder? You don’t want to push yourself.”

“I’m putting no weight on it, okay? I’m good,” he says as I set the condom against the head of his cock before rolling it down. And as I slowly rub lubricant over his tip, his fingers find their way back inside me. I draw the lubricant down his cock as I lift my legs and wrap them around his hips. “Are you ready?”

I nod. I’ve never been more ready. I need him inside me, touching me, holding me, fucking me, loving me. “Yes.”

He pulls his fingers out before settling between my legs. There’s a brief moment where he hesitates and I open my mouth to tell him that we don’t need to do this right now, but then he presses his cock against my hole and all thoughts rush out of me. He presses so slowly against me that it’s driving me crazy. It’s like he’s taunting me as he slowly opens me up and guides himself inside me. His thick cock feels tight but the pressure of it makes pleasure ripple through me.

Once he’s deep inside me, he kisses me. My cock aches for attention. I know he’s trying to give me time to get used to him but right now, I want more. I dig my fingers into his back as my tongue wraps around his.

He rocks his hips once before reaching down to my cock.

“I can do it so you don’t pull on your shoulder,” I say as I slip my fingers between his to hold his hand down and keep him from hurting himself. I love the way our fingers fit as he thrusts inside me. I moan as I reach down and grasp my own cock and stroke myself in time to his thrusts. Pleasure is consuming me as he moves inside me.

Sex with Shepherd is unlike anything I imagined. It’s driving me crazy and that was before he hits that sweet spot inside me. It makes my body tense as I dig

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