It's Complicated - J. S. Cooper Page 0,81



“I said, live your life, have fun, and go with the flow. Do you want to just go with the flow?”

“I do want to go with the flow, but ...”

“No buts. Meet me at Alexander McQueen at three, okay?”

“Okay, but what sort of shoes should I wear?”

“Well, think about the sort of dress you’re going to want to wear to the concert and then get shoes that will go with that.”

“Okay. Okay. I get it.” I said with a little laugh. “I’ll look for shoes that go with a funky cool dress then.”

“Sounds good. Can’t wait to see you.”

“Me too, Connor. Me too,” I said, and then clicked back over to Sarah. “Oh my gosh, Sarah. I think I’m in trouble.”

“Uh oh, what just happened, girl?”

“That was Connor.”

“Oh my God. Don’t tell me he canceled on you again?”

I laughed at her words. “Actually, I was thinking the same thing and I was about to kill him, but he actually was telling me where the date was.”

“Oh, where is he taking you?”

“So we’re going to go to some sort of outdoor concert.”

“Oh, that sounds like a lot of fun.”

“Yeah, but before that he’s taking me to Alexander McQueen to buy me a dress.”

“No way.” Sarah sounded shocked. “This is starting to remind me of Pretty Woman when Richard Gere takes Julia Roberts to Rodeo Drive and buys her all those dresses, and you know what Julia Roberts had to do for those dresses.”

“Sarah, I’m not a prostitute. I’m not about to sleep with Connor just because he wants to buy me a dress.”

“Are you sure about that, girl?”

“I’m sure, because I would sleep with Connor, even if he didn’t buy me a dress.” I said, and then I started laughing. “Oh my gosh. Sarah, what am I going to do?” I walked over to my bedroom and collapsed down on the bed. I groaned into the pillow. I let out a huge sigh. “I am going to be on the news, aren’t I?”

“Why are you going to be on the news, girl?”

“I’m going to be on the news as being officially crazy because I’m dating one guy, I just spent the night with that guy. That guy told me that he can see this going somewhere. He’s saying all the right words. He’s good-looking. He’s patient. He’s successful. He seems like he wants me. And I just left that guy’s place, and I’m going on a date with another guy who has told me he’s not looking for a relationship. He’s not looking to get married, ever. He’s not looking for anything serious. And yet, here I am laughing with you telling you that I would sleep with him just like that, and I didn’t even sleep with Lucas who I know is most probably the better guy.”

“Gemma, Gemma, Gemma. Slow down. Calm down. Don’t worry about it. You’re really worked up over this, aren’t you?” Sarah sounded thoughtful. “So you really like this Connor guy, it seems.”

“I don’t know. A part of me is wondering if it’s because he basically took himself out of the running that I want him more, like some sort of reverse psychology thing, you know? Like maybe I’m digging him so much more now because he’s not on the list.”

“But he’s not on the list because he doesn’t want a serious relationship?”


“So then why are you going on this last date with him?”

“Because he’s fun and I’m attracted to him and ...” I let out a huge sigh. “All of the bad reasons. All the reasons why girls like me always end up with bad guys, because we make bad decisions and poor choices.” I let out an even deeper sigh. “What am I doing, Sarah?”

“You’re having fun, girl. You’re only in your twenties once, you’re only in Manhattan in your twenties once, and you only have a hot ass guy wanting to take you to a designer shop to buy you a dress so that you can go to an outdoor concert with him once in your life. Trust me.”

“I know. It just seems so cool. It seems like something in the movies, right? Like this is not my life. This doesn’t happen to me. Yeah, I mean, I have lots of losers, but they take me to Outback Steakhouse, ask me to pay half the bill, and then want to sleep with me. No one’s ever offered to do all this for me. And I don’t even care. I don’t want the dress, Copyright 2016 - 2024