It's Complicated - J. S. Cooper Page 0,80

the mirror door as I rode the elevator up to my apartment, and then I got out.

“Hey, are you still there?” I said.

“Yeah, as if I was going to hang up now.” Sarah laughed. “So tell me everything. How were you just a little bit of a naughty girl and not a fully naughty girl?”

“Well, I didn’t sleep with him. Well, I mean I didn’t have sex with him.” I laughed. “I slept in the same bed with him, so yeah, I slept.”

“Oh, okay. So did you guys just have some mutual pleasure then?” Sarah said with a slight giggle.

“No, we didn’t even do that, though if that had been on offer I don’t think I would have said no.”

“Oh, so exactly what happened?”

“Let’s just say he used his fingers in a way that made me very happy.”

“Ooh, okay. So high school fun?” Sarah said with a laugh.

“Yeah, I guess you could say high school fun. I mean, obviously he wanted to do more and I kind of wanted to do more, but I just wasn’t ready, you know? It just didn’t feel like the right moment.”

“Yeah, I understand that, girl. You have to do it when you feel right.”

“I mean, my body totally wanted him and I could see that he totally wanted me, but like I want it to be more romantic than that. And well, I’m about to go and meet Connor in a little bit.”

“Oh my gosh. Right now?”

“Well, yeah, you knew I said I’d give him one last date and it’s going to happen in a couple of hours.”

“Wow. But this is the last time you’re going to see him, right? Seeing as he doesn’t want anything special.”

“Yeah. I mean, I just don’t see the point in continuing anything with Connor. Yes, I’m glad he was honest and yeah, he’s a nice guy, but I’m looking for something serious and he’s not, so decision made.”

“Yeah, girl, I understand that. You don’t want to waste your time on someone that doesn’t want a relationship.”

“Exactly. Did I ever tell you about my friend from college?”

“No. Which one?”

“Oh, my friend Marjorie. She dated this guy Dan for ten years, and the thing is he told her when they very first met he never wanted to get married, he never wanted to have kids, but she thought to herself oh, he’ll change, one day he’ll change. Girl, ten years later, he didn’t change. And guess what?”


“He told her ... Oh, hold on,” I said, as I heard my phone beeping.

“Okay. How are you going to leave me right in the middle of the story?”

“Sorry girl, I’m getting another call. One moment.”


I clicked over.

“Hey Connor, is everything okay? Don’t tell me you have to cancel on me again.”

I could hear the coldness in my voice. If he ditched me again, that was it. I was never speaking to him again.

“No, I was just calling to let you know where the date was going to be.”

“Ookay. You just didn’t want to tell me where it was going to be like ten minutes ago. What made you change your mind?”

“I figured that you might want to wear the right shoes, and so I figured I should tell you where we’re going.”

“Okay. What sort of shoes do I need to wear? Where are we going?”

“Well, our date has two parts to it.”


“The second part,” he said, “we’re going to an outdoor concert.”

“Okay, that sounds kind of cool. Sure.”

“But the first part, the part that we’re meeting on Madison Avenue for ...”

“Uh huh.”

“We’re going to get you a new dress.”

“We’re going to get me a new dress?” I sounded confused. “What do you mean?”

“Well, I want you to meet me at the Alexander McQueen store on Madison Avenue.”

“Alexander McQueen?” My jaw dropped. “Um, I can’t afford to buy anything from Alexander McQueen. Sounds amazing, but ...”

“No, it’s on me. My treat.”

“No Connor, I just cannot accept a dress from Alexander McQueen. That’s way too much money and we’re not even dating. We’re not in a relationship. And that ...”

“Gemma.” He cut me off. “Let me do this, okay? You promised you’d have one final date with me and I could do whatever I wanted to do.”

“Yeah, but I didn’t mean you could take me to a clothes store and buy me...”

“You don’t even know what you’re going to get at the clothes store, do you, Gemma?”

“Yeah, but I know that they don’t have anything cheap at Alexander McQueen. I just ...”


“Yes, Connor.”

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