It's Complicated - J. S. Cooper Page 0,82

I don’t need the dress. In fact, I’d rather he didn’t buy me a dress. I’m driving myself crazy, Sarah. I am going to drive myself crazy.”

“I mean, girl, just have fun with it.”

“I mean, I am having fun with it. Maybe that’s why I feel so guilty and conflicted, because you know what? I’m actually loving it. I’m loving the fact that Lucas wants me and I’m loving the fact that Connor wants to have an awesome last date with me. And you know what? I’ll have an awesome last date, and then I’ll say goodbye, I’ll give him a quick kiss on the cheek, only the cheek, and then I’ll move on with my life. I’ll hang out with Lucas the evening of Christmas Eve, we’ll have sex, and then I’ll see if I want more from him. And if I don’t, I’ll move on.”

“Oh, so you’re definitely going to sleep with Lucas then?” Sarah sounded surprised. “I wasn’t sure if you were kind of not into it.”

“Girl, you met Lucas. He is a stud and from the way he was kissing me last night, he knows what he’s doing. I just wanted it to be a bit more romantic than the situation was yesterday. And if I’m honest, Connor’s face kind of popped into my head as he was touching me, so ...”

“Oh my God. Okay. I agree with you, Gemma.”

“You agree with me about what?”

“You’re definitely going to be in the newspapers.”

“Thanks so much, Sarah. Anyways, I better go get ready. I need to shower, get Lucas’s touch off of me before I go and see Connor. Oh my God, I’m such a slut, aren’t I?”

“No, you’re not a slut. It’s not like you slept with him yet,” She giggled.

“True. Love you, girl.”

“Love you too. Bye.”

Chapter 22

Alexander McQueen. I’d never actually been in his store and I’d never seen his clothes, but I had a feeling from looking at the website that they were going to be really expensive and really cool and funky. I got off the Metro and headed up to Madison Avenue. I was wearing Doc Martens, big and black and sturdy. I knew that Connor most probably thought I was going to wear some sort of sexy heels, but if we were going to an outdoor concert and I was wearing a funky Alexander McQueen dress, I wanted to look cool, not sexy. And this was our last date. I didn’t want to give him any ideas. I could see him waiting outside the store as soon as I turned onto the block. He stood there, his golden hair shining through the very gloomy sunlight that appeared in the street. He was so tall and handsome, and my heart couldn’t stop thudding as I headed toward him. Why was it that the best looking guys, the most fun guys were always the ones that didn’t want to be in a relationship?

“Hi,” I said with a small wave as I stopped a couple of feet away from him. I didn’t want to give him a hug, I didn’t want him to think he could kiss me. This was purely a platonic date to say goodbye.

“Hey,” he walked over to me, grabbed me in his arms, lifted me up in the air, and swung me around before giving me a big kiss. “Good to see you.”

“You too,” I said, flustered, blinking up at him. I hadn’t expected him to be so forward. What was he doing?

“So you ready for us to do some shopping?” he said, as he linked his arm through mine.

“I guess?” I was unsure of myself now. Were we not on the same page here? What was he expecting? We walked into the store, and I was immediately overwhelmed. It smelled wonderful. A light fragrance hung in the air that smelled of money, leather, and sex. I wasn’t sure why I automatically thought about sex, but then as I snuck a look at Connor standing next to me, I knew why. He was sex personified.

“So, I think you could get a cool dress.” He let go of my arm and walked over to the right where some dresses hung. I followed him slowly, really unsure of how to take the situation.

“You know, I don’t really think you should be buying me anything, seeing as we’re never going to see each other after today.”

“Shh.” He pressed his finger against my lips, his hazel-green eyes dazzling as he stared into mine. “Gemma, don’t Copyright 2016 - 2024