It's Complicated - J. S. Cooper Page 0,57

takes advantage of that. Right? What is he doing for you? What is he doing to help you? Why hasn’t he introduced you to any guys? Why hasn’t he...?” I let out a breath, frustrated. “Sorry. I don’t want to go off right now. I will try and give him a chance today.”

“Thanks, girl. That’s all I ask. And you know, some of that’s on me. Maybe I have been a doormat, but you know what? I’m not going to let myself be in that position anymore. I don’t need Harry to expect me to be his servant or maid or whatever. I’m his best friend. I’m his equal. And you know what? I’m going to go out there and look for a man myself. I’m ready to have some fun. Your dates have inspired me to get out there myself.”

“That’s what I’m talking about. Yay, let’s go dancing tomorrow or something.”

“Yay! That sounds great. Are you sure you want to do that though? I know Connor and Lucas might ask you out.”

“Girl, I always have time for you. Yeah, I like these guys and I want to figure it out, but they’re not above you, okay? Our friendship comes first and if you want me to go out dancing with you tomorrow and if you want me to be your wing woman, I am all for it.”

“Thanks Gemma. You’re the best.”

“I know. I try,” I laughed and we both sat back and grinned. Harry arrived about five minutes later, giving me a small wave and Sarah a familiar kiss on the cheek as he sat down. She beamed at him, a small flush on her cheeks and my eyes narrowed. I was about to ask Harry a sarcastic question when I saw Lucas approaching from the side of my eye.

“Hey there. Good to see you.” Lucas walked over to the table, a wide grin on his face as he saw me. I stood up and gave him a quick hug. He gave me a quick peck on the lips and I kissed him back. It felt nice and comfortable being with him. He looked over at Sarah and Harry and grinned. “Hi, I’m Lucas. Nice to meet you. You must be the best friend, Sarah?”

“Hi, yeah, I’m Sarah,” Sarah beamed at him. “And this is my other best friend, Harry.”

“Nice to meet you, Harry. I wasn’t sure if you guys were together or what. I was going to say, ‘cute couple,’ but you know, either way, friends are good too, right?” He sat down next to me and Harry gave him the once-over before he began to question him.

“So Lucas, I hear you’re an attorney?”

“Yeah, I am.”

“What firm do you work for?”

“I work for Morgan, Wallace, Chiltern, and Percy.”

“Oh wow. One of the top firms. Are you on partner track or...”

“Actually I’m a partner already.”

“Oh wow,” I looked over at him. “I didn’t know you were a partner at your firm.”

“Well, now you know,” he shrugged, “When you graduate first in your law school class and you clerk for a Supreme Court justice, you kind of are on track to make partner very quickly,” he grinned.

“Very impressive,” Harry said and nodded. He looked over at Sarah. I’m impressed.”

“Me too,” Sarah said with a little laugh. “I need to meet a guy like you.” She flirted with Lucas, who gave her an admiring stare. I could see Harry frowning at her words and I withheld a laugh. He was going to be absolutely gutted when Sarah got a boyfriend. I could just see it. And I couldn’t wait for the day and the moment when he realized that he had taken her for granted all these years. I knew it was coming. Payback was going to be a bitch because I was going to have a part in making sure that Sarah found the best looking, most sexy and rich man out there.

“So Gemma, would you like me to get you another drink? What about you Sarah and Harry? The next rounds on me. Whatever you’d like.” He looked at the food on the table. “And we can order some more dishes if you don’t mind, I’m feeling a little peckish.”

“Ooh that sounds great. Thank you.” I grinned at him. “Let me look at the menu again.”

“So Lucas, tell us a bit more about yourself,” Sarah leaned forward. “What are you looking for in the dating app?”

“Sarah!” I gave her a look. What was she doing? Was she trying to Copyright 2016 - 2024