It's Complicated - J. S. Cooper Page 0,43

come over to give you a good night kiss.”

“Yeah. You know, he’s a lot deeper than I thought he would be. He’s a really nice guy, and I had a really good time, and actually I was a little bit surprised when he walked me over to a taxi without even trying to give me a kiss. He basically gave me a peck on the cheek, and said he’d call me. I thought maybe he wasn’t interested.”

“Girl, there’s no way he wouldn’t be interested in you.”

“Yeah. I mean, he’s going to make this a very hard decision. A part of me doesn’t even want to go and see Lucas tomorrow.”

“Oh my gosh. Are you going to cancel on Lucas then?”

“Well, no. I’m not going to cancel on him because he sent me a really sweet email that I actually have to respond to before I see him tomorrow, and I’m really excited to see him. I think our date’s going to be a lot of fun, but it just feels weird. I’ve never been in a situation where I’m dating two guys at the same time and I really like both of them.”

“Sounds like a good problem to have, Gemma.”

“Does it? I always thought it would be an amazing experience to have two hot guys wanting me. But now that I’m in the middle of the situation, I’m finding it really difficult because I’m really attracted to both of them, and I kind of want to see where it goes with both of them, but that just seems like it’s a recipe for disaster.”

“Well, maybe kiss both of them, and see if there’s chemistry with both. And if there’s not, that will be an easier decision.”

“Yeah, I guess so.” I sighed as I looked at my reflection. “Okay. I guess I’ll put on some lip gloss. Let me go so I can brush my teeth real quick. There’s no way I want to go down so that he can kiss me, and then he turns me down because I have bad breath.”

“Oh Gemma, you can chew gum for that.”

“Trust me, girl. I’m going to brush my teeth and then suck on three mints in the elevator before I go out to see him. I want my breath to be minty fresh when we kiss.”

“I hope he’s doing the same thing for you.” Sarah laughed. “Imagine if he has stinky breath.”

“Girl, I don’t think that Connor has stinky anything. Trust me. I kind of wish you could meet him.”

“Oh yeah? Why?”

“I don’t know. To tell me what you think about him. I trust your opinion.”

“You know what would be really cool?”


“If I met him and Lucas, and then I gave you my opinion on both of them. I would have so much fun.”

“I don’t know how that could happen, girl, though that sounds awesome.”

“Well, maybe if you decide to go on a third date with both of them, you can do it at the same place or something, and that way, I can meet both of them.”

“You mean tell them that they’re both there, or what?”

“No, of course not, silly. Have one of them go on a date with you at like three p.m., and then the next one at five p.m., maybe at an outdoor bar or something in the village, and then I can just be there. Tell them that you wanted to hang out with your friends as well. I could bring Harry, and that way, we could sort of see what they were both about.”

“You know, that doesn’t sound like a bad idea,” I groaned as I ran a brush through my hair and stared at my frizzy mess. “It doesn’t sound like a great idea, but it doesn’t sound like a bad idea. It sounds like it could be kind of fun, even if Harry’s coming.”

“Oh Gemma, I really want you to get to know Harry a bit better. I think you’ll like him once you realize that he’s really a good guy.”

“Uh huh. We’ll see. But girl, I’ve got to go. I think Connor’s going to be here in like ten minutes, and then he’s going to be waiting on me and I don’t want him waiting too long. But you better believe that I’m going to go downstairs and give him the kiss of his life.”

“Well, text me and let me know how the kiss goes. Okay?”

“Of course. Speak to you later, girl.”

We hung up and then I looked at my reflection again. I Copyright 2016 - 2024