Iron Crowned Page 0,91

my laundry list of problems.

But finally, I had to give in. The call to my lands was too strong, and even Kiyo admitted that with my new and fragile hold on the Rowan Land, I needed to visit and connect with it to reinforce our bond. By that point, I needed no urging. My own body was telling me as much. I still felt weak and drained, my dreams haunted by cacti and cherry trees.

I took Jasmine with me. Our relationship wasn't quite sound enough yet for me to leave her alone. She drew the line at going to the Rowan Land, however, insisting she would stay in the Thorn Land until my return. I had no problem with that, knowing she was secure there. Kiyo was still going with me, and Shaya caught us before we could leave.

"There's a few things you should probably know," she said uneasily. Her nervousness was likely due to the fact that I hated being troubled with the day-to-day running of a kingdom - in this case, kingdoms. Something about the fear in her eyes told me she also knew I wouldn't like what she had to say.

I sighed. "Go ahead."

"I ... I've heard from King Dorian a number of times."

Kiyo shifted uncomfortably beside me, and I felt that familiar prickle of anger run down my spine. All the memories of Dorian's lying and betrayal came back to me. It stung all the worse because in the end, he'd gotten exactly what he wanted: the Iron Crown had done its job. He probably wanted me to take still more lands.

"What's he want?" I demanded. "The war's over. We're no longer in a partnership."

"Well, that's just it. Since you are - were - allies in the war, he says he deserves some of the spoils of your victory."

"He ... what?" My fury increased. "He doesn't deserve anything. I was the one who won and used the crown."

She nodded, still looking like she wished she could be anywhere else. "Yes ... but he argues that he was the one who sent you to get the crown. And that his armies lost as many lives as yours."

That last point silenced me. His soldiers had fought with mine. His people's families mourned those casualties as much as mine ... and for what? To fight against a slight that had nothing to do with them, not really. I didn't owe Dorian anything, of that I was certain, but I was indebted to his subjects.

When I didn't respond, Shaya continued. "Some of his people are also helping hold the Rowan Land."

"Oh, are they?" Of course Dorian would have swooped in. "I never asked for that."

She shook her head. "Nonetheless, you need it. Many are still having trouble accepting your rule. There's a lot of seething resentment. No violence has broken out yet - but that's largely because of the sizable presence Rurik sent to keep control. Dorian's helping with that."

I'd meditated with the Thorn Land as soon as I'd arrived, making me feel a little better, but the pressure and continued political complications were already draining me. I wasn't meant for this. "What's he want? Half the kingdom?"

"No. Trade. Tribute. The Rowan Land is a huge food producer, and he wants part of that."

"That doesn't sound so bad," I said tentatively.

"I'm guessing he wants it at low, low prices," said Kiyo, speaking up for the first time.

Shaya nodded. "He does. And he's entitled to it to a certain extent. But his current demands are extreme enough that it could endanger the Rowan Land's economy. Maybe that's not an issue. It all depends on what you want for them."

I thought about the refugees at the gates. What did I want for those people? I wanted them to prosper. I wanted things to return to normal. "Can you negotiate with him to something in the middle?" I asked Shaya.

"Most likely."

"Then do it."

She bowed her head in acknowledgment, and I knew that's what she'd already known had to be done. She was simply giving me my dues as queen, going through the motions and reminding everyone that ultimately, I still held the authority around here.

When Kiyo and I finally made it to the Rowan Land, I felt the land's relief and welcome. Its energy burned into mine, strengthening me. At the castle, we saw little sign of the Rowan military but plenty of mine and Dorian's. They were stationed everywhere, keeping the order Shaya had told me about. They bowed low when they Copyright 2016 - 2024