Iron Crowned Page 0,90

all the ways they'd changed. Then, with no communication, they hugged each other. Jasmine's face was filled with legitimate emotion, and for once, Wil didn't seem like the crazy, paranoid guy he usually was.

"Are you okay?" he asked her, voice trembling. "I've missed you so much."

Jasmine swallowed, and I was pretty sure there were tears in her eyes. "I ... I missed you too." And it was the truth. She'd told me once she didn't care about this world - or about the half brother who'd raised her. But she did. This whole time, despite her Otherworldly plans for domination, she'd always loved him.

Things grew increasingly bizarre when it became obvious the two weren't quite sure what to do with each other. Wil didn't chastise her for her absence, and at last, she simply asked if he wanted to hang out and watch TV. I think that was partly because it provided a concrete activity and partly because she'd become obsessed with making up for lost TV time.

I kept my distance but couldn't help a small, envious feeling as they sat on the couch. Jasmine leaned her head against her big brother's shoulder, and I became acutely aware of the emptiness in my own family life. I hadn't heard from my mom or Roland since getting the referral to Enrique. The closest I had to any familial connection was those goddamn kingdoms I ruled. Just as the Thorn Land had always called to me, the Rowan Land now did too, leaving such an ache within me that I practically felt nauseous. Rurik had been right. I wouldn't be able to stay away.

But first things first. Thinking of Enrique reminded me I was due for an update. Retreating to my bedroom, I dialed his number and hoped he was up this early.

"Miss Markham," he said after just one ring. Caller ID left no surprises anymore. "Always a delight."

"I'm sure. What are you doing with the case right now?"


"Nothing?" I exclaimed. Irritation rose within me. I wasn't paying him to sit around, especially after he'd gotten so close.

"Nope," he said cheerfully. "It's out of my hands. I found what I needed, proved that Deanna Jones didn't buy the gun. From what I hear, the police are searching Cal Jones's house right now and questioning him. Far be it from me to get in the way of the fine men in blue."

Finally, some good news ... well, at least as the case's progress went. It wouldn't be easy on Deanna to learn the truth about her husband. "And women," I said. "There are probably women in blue there too."

"If you say so."

"Thanks, Enrique. I really appreciate it. I honestly didn't think it could be done."

"Don't get all emotional," he said in that brisk way of his. "At least not until you see the bill."

We disconnected. Attitude or no, Enrique had been a good call on Roland's part ... which once again brought about the sadness over the turn in my parental relationship. Well. Nothing to do for it at the moment, not with all my other problems. And anyway, I had a loose end that could now be wrapped up.

Taking out my wand, I closed my eyes and cast a minor summoning spell, calling to Deanna. I had no control over her but she'd responded to my call before - particularly since she was always on edge listening for it. After several minutes and no results, I gave up and sadly suspected she wasn't coming because she already knew the truth. As eager as she'd been to get answers, it wouldn't have surprised me if she'd been following Enrique around while he worked. She might have discovered for herself what her husband had done. If so, I hoped she'd now move on to the Underworld and seek peace, rather than staying restless and sad in this world. There was enough suffering here already.

I tried as hard as I could the next couple days to stay away from the Otherworld. Wil visited off and on, and Jasmine and I began doing mundane yet enjoyable activities, like seeing movies and shopping for clothes for her. Tim and Lara often appeared, still in the throes of their love, and Kiyo returned with reports about the Otherworld, reassuring me that my kingdom's control of the Rowan Land was progressing smoothly. And at night, he came to my bed, and I found the return of our fierce sex life went a long way toward taking my mind off Copyright 2016 - 2024