Iron Crowned Page 0,92

saw me, their actions mirrored by the kingdom's citizens. Only, Katrice's subjects didn't bow out of respect and deference. There was fear in their eyes, confusion in some, and an obvious show among a few that their actions were forced.

Rurik was still in residence, personally overseeing the occupation. I felt secure in his control and listened as he explained what needed to be done next. I understood it only a little better than the economics Shaya had pushed on me, the main point being I'd need a governing body here soon. Picking that staff would be a problem. Shaya was one in a million, but even she couldn't be in two places at once. Seeing my dismay, Rurik hesitantly added that Dorian had offered to provide people for the job. My expression at those words gave Rurik all the answer he needed.

The Rowan Land's energy continued to flow into me when I set out to have my meditation session with it. The nature of the connection was similar to what I had with the Thorn Land, but the kingdom's feel was totally different. The Thorn Land was harsh - filled with life, yes, but life that fought fiercely against the elements for survival. The Rowan Land was softer, its life bursting forth easily and radiating through its many trees and plants.

"Eugenie," said Kiyo, following me out to a small garden behind the castle. "Look."

I paused and glanced behind me. Where I'd walked, flowers had blossomed, small red ones scattered throughout the grassy path. I knelt down, inhaling their heady scent. "Why's it happening?"

"You're its ruler. You're giving the land life and energy."

I thought about how being here had made me feel marginally better. "It's strengthening me too ... but this doesn't happen in the Thorn Land. I don't have that kind of effect."

"Don't you?" he teased, a mischievous smile on his face. "You make it rain...."

A memory came to me of when the Thorn Land had floundered in drought. While connecting with the land, I'd had sex with Kiyo, and the energy from that union had empowered the kingdom, breaking the dry spell and sending much-needed rain that made the people and plants flourish.

I smiled back at him. "Looks like we don't have to worry about that today. This land doesn't need as much help."

He slipped an arm around my waist and pulled me to him, voice husky. "But imagine the results if we did. Extra credit."

Leaning down, he brought his lips to mine, his tongue pushing into my mouth with a rough passion. I felt my body answer, and for a moment, the offer was tempting. I pictured what it would be like to make love among all this greenery, here in the sunshine. Would a bed of red flowers fill the ground below us? Again ... I kind of wanted to find out, but I also wasn't comfortable in this kingdom yet. I didn't want to risk discovery of my sex life, even if it wouldn't be a big deal to the gentry. Reluctantly, I pulled away from him.

"Another time."

After a few more protests, he let me be. I sat on the ground while he waited, closing my eyes and opening myself to the world around me. We are one, I assured the land. I am here. I felt its answer, felt warmth spread through me and lost track of time. When I finished, I was startled at how far the sun had moved across the sky. Kiyo sat on the ground cross-legged, looking at ease as he watched me.

"Crap," I said, jumping up. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you wait so long."

He stood as well. "It's no problem. You needed it. You both needed it." I knew he was right. I was more energized, and the land felt strong and content.

After another check with Rurik, Kiyo and I headed back to the Thorn Land. Here, he parted from me, again to "take care of a few things." He assured me he'd be back in Tucson as soon as he could, but I saw the look Jasmine gave me when she overheard. I could guess her thoughts: more reports to Maiwenn.

Jasmine was impatient to go to Tucson, but before leaving, I impulsively set out alone to where I'd communed earlier with the Thorn Land. It had been on a distant part of the grounds, one of my favorite places, in the shade of a mesquite tree. Its perfume rivaled that of the Rowan flowers, and around Copyright 2016 - 2024