Iron Crowned Page 0,60

I said to Kiyo: I was indeed going to go back and tell Dorian we were over. I'd been disappointed in Kiyo - still was, a little - over his not taking direct action against Leith. Yet, as much as that had hurt me, Kiyo had been blunt and open about his reasons for it. That was better than someone telling you pretty lies. Pretty lies. Dorian was full of them - and not just about the crown. Suddenly, I found myself questioning why he'd even suggested Kiyo come along on this quest, rather than Jasmine. Maybe Dorian had thought this would be a convenient way to get rid of someone he'd always seen as a potential rival.

I didn't know. The only thing I was certain of was that I was getting more and more worked up as I sat there. A faint splash startled me out of my emotional maelstrom, and I opened my eyes. No cry of alarm had come from Volusian back at camp, and a moment later, I realized what was going on. Rising, I headed over toward the pool in the glade's heart.

Sure enough, I found Kiyo swimming laps back and forth. The lagoon was crystal clear, sparkling in the morning sunlight, and it sang to my magical senses. I wondered if he was there to clean off yesterday's battle or to work out his frustration over me. Judging from the lines on his face - maybe both. I watched him for a minute, knowing opportunities to catch him unaware were rare. The water and his mood had distracted him; he normally would have smelled and heard an observer. After a little while longer, I made my decision. I began taking off my clothes. Kiyo turned and noticed me just as I slipped into the water, easing myself down the stone edge.

"Eugenie ... what are you doing? You're soaking your bandages."

I swam over to him, on the pool's far side. "I'm here naked with you, and that's your biggest concern?"

He eyed me carefully. "Well, that was our last batch of them."

I put my hands on his chest. "We'll be home soon."

When I brought my lips to his, joining us in a deep kiss, I felt the same response as earlier. He answered me hungrily, arms wrapping around my waist as we pressed together. Now, however, it was Kiyo who broke us apart - despite the arousal in his eyes. I had a feeling there was a human versus animal war going on within him.

"Wait," he said. "Earlier ... you told me you couldn't ..."

"I changed my mind. I can do this," I said. "Does it need to be more than that right now?" I was still going to tell Dorian I was done with him, but I didn't need to for this. I had mentally broken up with him. I was free to do whatever I wanted. I moved toward Kiyo again, slowly walking us toward the water's edge. Our top halves emerged, the morning air slightly chill against my wet skin.

"I don't trust why you're doing this," said Kiyo. But when I drew him closer, he didn't pull back. "I think you're getting back at Dorian."

I kissed him hard, cutting off whatever logical arguments he might attempt. "Maybe I am," I said at last. He was gasping, a little surprised at the intensity. I felt empowered, filled with lust for Kiyo and - yes - anger at Dorian. "But you're the one I'm doing it with. Doesn't that mean something?"

There was a pause as Kiyo's dark, smoky eyes studied me intensely. "Yes." With one swift motion, he turned me around, pushing his body against mine. "It does. This is how it should have been anyway." I caught my breath as he kissed my neck, teeth grazing my skin. "And I'll take back what's mine."

My body burned, both at his touch and the dangerous tone in his voice. Then, the full meaning of his words hit me. I started to turn around but his hands were on me, pinning me against the ledge surrounding the water. "Hey, I'm not yours," I growled. "I thought I made that clear."

"You're right," he said. "But you're not his either. Not anymore. You never should have been. We never should have been apart. And if you want this - if you want to do this - you have to tell me you feel something for me. I can't believe this is just simple revenge sex."

"Kiyo - "

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