Iron Crowned Page 0,61

held me slid forward to my breasts, the roughness of his touch sending shockwaves through my body. "Tell me," he breathed against my ear, his hands sliding along my stomach and down between my thighs. "Tell me you still feel something for me."

His body closed the miniscule space left between us, pushing me right to stone. I felt him hard and ready. "I ..." I closed my eyes, lost in the way his hands touched me and stoked the sexual tension that had been building between us for days. What did I feel? For a moment, I was conflicted. Maybe this wasn't right. Maybe I did need to end things formally with Dorian before letting my emotions run away with me. "I ..."


He bent me over, hands gripping my waist, and suddenly, he was sliding into me, a low groan escaping his lips as he filled me up. I gave a small cry at the unexpected act, one that turned into a moan of pleasure as he began to move in and out of me.

"Tell me there's still something, anything ..." he grunted. "If not, I'll stop and let this go. Just say it." "I ..."

Again, I couldn't summon the words. This time, it was simply because I was too lost in how he felt. I'd forgotten what it was like with him, the way he'd always loved to take me from behind, driven by the animal instinct within him. There was more than that to him, though. Images flashed through me, the way he'd fought by my side, the compassion when he'd seen how hurt I was over Dorian's deception.

"Tell me," he said again, a savage and hungry note in his voice. "Tell me you want me; tell me there's still something between us. That you don't want me to stop."

He felt so good, so strong and hard. "No ..."

"No what?"

"No ... don't stop ... there is ... of course there's still something...."

I meant it. And with that, the animal within him was unleashed. I screamed as he gave me the full force of his body, my arms pushing hard to keep me from being shoved against the ledge. The sound of our bodies slapping together echoed around us as he thrust tirelessly, taking me over and over as he reclaimed my body.

"I've missed you, Eug," he managed to say. "Missed having sex with you. Missed making love to you. But especially ... especially missed fucking you."

His words were punctuated with a particularly sharp thrust, one that took me hard and deep as he bent me over more. I screamed again, but it was out of ecstasy, not pain. Kiyo had always been able to make me come this way, and now was no exception. I felt the nerves of my body explode, every part of me shaking. Still he kept moving in me with that primal need, pushing me into sensory overload. He'd given up on words, simply making small grunts as our bodies connected.

At last his body reached its breaking point, giving me the hardest thrusts he was capable of as his climax hit. He held me tight, my body there to fulfill his need as he came in me, groaning and spasming until he'd finally given me all he had.

He pulled out, and I turned around, my own breath shallow and rapid. "That ... maybe we shouldn't have done that ..."

Kiyo put an arm around my waist and pulled me to him. His lips grazed mine. "You sound like a guy the morning after. You're the one who attacked me, remember?"

"True," I admitted. With my lust sated, I was feeling slightly more coherent. But only barely. His naked body was still right against mine, and that was distracting.

"Give me a few more minutes," he murmured. "A few more minutes and we can do it again ..."

"We're probably just creating more problems."

He kissed my neck. "What's one more problem among all the others we have? One more time, Eugenie. I've missed you so much. Let's do this just one more time."

I could feel that he was indeed almost ready again. I lifted one of my legs up, half-wrapping it around him as my body decided it was ready again too. "And then what?"

"Then?" Kiyo's mouth moved toward mine. "Then we go see Dorian."

Chapter 13

The journey back was uneventful, the most notable thing being the afterglow that now burned between Kiyo and me - something I now questioned the wisdom of. My words had been true: I'd Copyright 2016 - 2024