Iron Crowned Page 0,59

eyes on me but ignored them.

"What are you thinking?" he asked at last.

"How much I hate Dorian."

"What are you going to do?"

This was something I'd thought about for a while, so I had a solid answer. "Go to him. Call him out. Pass him a note in class. Tell him it's over - everything. Us. Our alliance."

Kiyo's eyebrows rose. "You might not want to be so hasty on that last one."

"How can I be in a partnership with someone like that?" I exclaimed.

"You can be in business with people you don't like. I wouldn't throw away his military support in the middle of this mess."

"I don't need his help," I said obstinately. "Especially if Katrice does call a truce over the crown."

"And if she doesn't?"

"I don't know." I stood up and rubbed my sticky hands on my jeans. Kiyo was the last person I expected to be having this discussion with. "What are you getting at? Should I forgive him? Let it all go and jump back into bed?"

"No. Absolutely not." Kiyo walked over to me, almost mirroring our positions from last night when he'd been on the verge of telling me something romantic. Only, I'd since had more time to come to terms with my anger and could actually focus now on Kiyo, the concern in his eyes and the way his body always made mine feel. "But I don't think Dorian will leave the war, no matter what else happens between you. And you should take that help."

"I'm afraid ..." Until those words came out of my mouth, I didn't realize I meant them. "I'm afraid when I see him, when I talk to him ... he'll do it again. He'll convince me of, I don't know. Whatever his plan is. He'll justify it and lure me back in."

Kiyo cupped my face between his hands. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to. You're strong. And I'll go with you, if you want."

I looked up into Kiyo's eyes, feeling lost in their depths and confused by what I saw in them. "I do want you to."

Leaning down, he pulled me close and kissed me almost before I realized what had happened. There was heat in his lips, heat and hunger and that raw, animal passion that so defined him. My body pressed against his, and I was startled at the arousal that kiss ignited within me, me who twenty-four hours ago had been sworn and sealed to Dorian. Now, the desire within me was all for Kiyo, a desire that was probably equal parts revenge against Dorian, a resurgence of my feelings for Kiyo, and the simple lust triggered by being with anyone I found so attractive.

I pulled away from him, and it wasn't easy. That kiss had consumed me, taken over my reasoning. I had a feeling I was seconds away from ripping his clothes off and throwing myself at him. Some annoyingly rational part of me kept saying I shouldn't do that until I knew for sure if it'd be because I still cared about Kiyo or because I wanted to get back at Dorian.

"No, don't. I can't," I said, taking a few steps away. "I'm not ... I'm not ready...."

I knew he could tell that wasn't exactly true. He'd be able to smell the desire on me, the pheromones and other physical signs that said I wanted him. But my head and heart? No, I wasn't sure about that.

"Eugenie ..." His voice was husky, every ounce of him radiating that dark, primal sexuality that had always drawn me in.

"I can't," I repeated. "Please ... don't do that again...."

I hurried off blindly, into the forest, ignoring the branches and leaves whipping against me. I didn't have to go very far because something told me Kiyo wouldn't follow. He'd leave me alone for now. I sank to the ground, leaning my head back against the smooth bark of a tree I didn't recognize. My heart pounded in my chest, in turmoil from Kiyo's advances.

I'd suspected he still cared, especially seeing as the breakup had been more my idea than his. He'd conceded its wisdom, true, but I'd always known he'd wished things could have been different. Hell, that made two of us. I exhaled and closed my eyes. What did I do with this? What did I do with Kiyo's feelings? What did I do with my own feelings?

Because at the core of it all, my heart was still raging over Dorian. I'd meant what Copyright 2016 - 2024