I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,54

to his latest insinuation. Violence and lust rested just beneath the surface of his cooling smile. When he was on edge like this, I could feel the magnetic pull of his power, wrapping its otherworldly tentacles around me, drawing me in.

If I had my way, I’d forget this whole new-couple-introduction-crap and wrap my legs around him and forget everything scary that went bump in the night. Wait. He was one of those things bumping around in the night.

“Well, I’ll be damned!” Rhonda’s shrill voice just about bowled me over, reminding me that my leg-wrapping fantasy wasn’t about to become reality anytime soon.

Luke hurried from the gift shop. “Rhonda! There are customers …” His words faded as his eyes met mine. He glanced from me to Zane and back.

I knew the exact moment that Luke Snider, my favorite boss and longtime crush, put everything together. Zane tensed, ready for battle. Rhonda continued to mutter obscenities despite Luke’s warning about the customers, and the other employees were mysteriously drawn to the courtyard like flies to a spider’s web. Talk about uncomfortable.

Michael chose that moment to bounce (I have no other way to describe his energetic way of walking) into the middle of the increasing crowd. “Congratulations, you two! You had us all fooled pretty good.”

“I’ll say,” Luke agreed, looking madder than I’d ever seen him.

“I can explain,” I started, before Zane interrupted.

He faced Luke and Rhonda; I assumed because they were the two making such a ruckus. “Thank you, Michael. Yes, Chloe and I are married.”

Gasps and a few giggles rippled through the group of park employees, and I couldn’t help noticing that a number of customers had stopped to watch the unfolding drama. They were getting their money’s worth.

“We were just as surprised as you are about the intensity of our feelings. I didn’t expect to fall in love when I took this job, but what can I say?” He gazed down at me.

I determined right then that Zane truly loved me, or he was destined for an Oscar nomination.

Michael again did the unexpected and started clapping. The courtyard erupted in applause and more than a few whistles, turning the tense atmosphere into a celebration as people moved forward to offer their congratulations. The two who didn’t look pleased were Luke and Rhonda.

Luke stalked away and Rhonda flipped open her cell phone. I hated to imagine who she was calling.

* * *

I hadn’t realized how many people could cram into The Crab Cove. Every chair was occupied and people leaned against the walls. The dance floor was gaining popularity as our guests enjoyed the free-flowing champagne. Wildlife Park employees helped fill the room, minus Luke and Rhonda. I was disappointed in Luke. I’d expected him to be more mature about the whole marriage thing. Obviously, I’d underestimated the extent of his feelings for me, and his level of maturity.

Zane, on the other hand, had support from his werewolf (and vampire) family. Logan, Misty, Mack, Michael, and Alcuin stood out from the crowd no matter how hard they tried to blend in and mingle. All gorgeous and mysterious, they drew curious glances from the local guests. The bolder ones couldn’t keep their eyes off my new friends. I couldn’t blame them for staring. I understood their fascination.

Initially, I’d been surprised by Logan and Misty’s presence, but that was before I realized they’d teleported. Thankfully, no one had enough insight to question their sudden arrival.

I hadn’t notified my family yet. The timing wasn’t right, and I didn’t have a clue how to tell my parents. Waiting until after the danger passed seemed logical. My mom would be devastated, probably scarred for life.

She’d been waiting for me to get married since birth it seemed. Married without a big formal wedding would be considered high treason in her eyes. Bob, on the other hand, would be frustrated that he hadn’t had an opportunity to run a thorough background check on Zane.

I dreaded their first meeting. It had the potential to be one of those family fiascos perfect for Hollywood movies. Maybe we could do a reality show on the aftermath, or better yet, a reality program starring supernatural characters. Considering the supes had their own government, maybe they had their own cable channel floating around out there somewhere in TV land. I’d remember to ask Zane later. I still knew very little about the world he came from.

Distracting me with her too-flowery perfume, Misty materialized at my side. She gave me an extended once over.

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