I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,55

“Girl, you look stunning,” she sighed, admiring my new dress, yet another wedding gift from her brother. Apparently pack leaders took their responsibilities pretty seriously. From our evening attire to the food, Logan’s taste was impeccable.

Our wedding cake towered on a nearby table waiting to be cut and devoured. Zane informed me that Logan had paid the bill for the whole affair. I wondered if this was the alpha wolf’s way of paying in advance for my animal eavesdropping services.

“E-hem!” Misty cleared her throat, a reminder she’d been complimenting my dress.

“Oh! Sorry. Lovely, isn’t it?” Sexy and sleek, my post-wedding gown shimmered. I knew it hugged me in all the right places. Zane, along with every other man in the vicinity, couldn’t keep his eyes off me.

Even more unsettling than the hungry male stares were the longing gazes from the women when they thought I wasn’t looking. The green-eyed monster was trolling tonight in all his covetous glory. Again, I couldn’t blame the ladies. Zane was downright delicious. Who wouldn’t be jealous of my catch — and dress?

“You actually look like a blushing bride,” Misty continued. “I suppose you’ve noticed everyone here is eyeballing you and Zane.”

Of course, Misty, with her keen werewolf senses, would have picked up on all the heated glances and accompanying emotions. A low growl rumbled in her throat. She gave me a little nudge.

Oops. I just couldn’t stay focused on what she was saying. “Sorry, I’m spacing out. Too much stimulus for one day. And I’m not some giddy, blushing bride,” I snipped without meaning to. “I’m just so hot; you’d think they’d turned up the heat.”

A trickle of sweat was winding down my cheek. Ug! Not the face I wanted captured in our first family photos. Considering the event photographer, another paid-for-product, courtesy of Logan Sanders, was erecting his equipment by the cake table, my distress wasn’t exaggerated.

According to Zane’s last update, we had a few minutes to spare before the official cake-cutting ceremony — giving me just enough time to sneak a breath of cool ocean air.

“I’m sorry. I’m going to step outside.” I hoped Misty wouldn’t ask to join me. I was overheating, and starting to feel claustrophobic. Too many people stuffed in one place made my skin crawl. I’d never been one for big crowds.

“Go on. You’re forgiven.” Misty grinned before dancing off.

At least someone was having fun.

The familiar scents of salt water, rotting sea kelp, and what I’ve come to refer to as “beach air” were what I noticed when I stepped out of the crowded Crab Cove. The deck was deserted, and I took that as a sign I’d picked the right time to escape my well-meaning, but increasingly annoying reception guests.

Leaning against the deck’s wooden rail, I gazed into the line of trees and foliage that separated the restaurant from the beach and pounding surf.

The moon was bright, and I spotted one of several paths that wound through the brush leading to the soft sand beyond. The temptation to slip off my jeweled-stilettos and make a dash for the beach almost proved too enticing resist. It felt as if someone had beguiled my senses and was beckoning me to leave my party and dance to the more natural night melodies.

An involuntary shudder swept through me as the moisture-tinged breeze rustled the trees. The compelling need to leave the lighted patio’s protection was growing stronger the longer I remained.

A movement on the nearest path seized my attention. I strained to see who or what was standing just beyond the light, obscured in the shadows.

“Hello … is anyone there?” I heard myself ask.

A man stepped forward, his skin illuminant in the moonlight. “I can come no closer, Chloe. This place has been warded by magic to keep uninvited guests away. You, however, could invite me to cross the ward.”

Wards? Magic? Why was I even surprised? I’d learned more about the unseen world that existed around me this past week than a heroine in a paranormal novel.

“Please, I must speak with you. I have information that will help you,” the stranger said, his voice sending shivers down my spine. My neck tingled in anticipation. I wanted the man in the moonlight to put his mouth on my throat, although I couldn’t fathom why.

“Yes, Chloe, you remember. That moment in Las Vegas was but a taste of the pleasure I can give you.”

My heart raced faster in response. I opened my mouth to do as he asked.

“Hurry! Someone is coming!” he commanded,

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