I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,53

“Honey, it’s me. Where are you? Are you in some kind of trouble? Two men stopped by yesterday asking for you. I told them you didn’t live here. They were very nice-looking, but a little on the grouchy side. Do you owe money? If you do, please don’t be afraid to ask for help. Your father and I understand how hard these economic times are. Your machine’s cutting me off …”

I sighed, dreading the next conversation with my parents. I wondered if they’d called work looking for me. If so, they’d blown my cover with Luke to smithereens. Why I still cared was a mystery. He’d know my marital status within the hour, if he didn’t already.

“I told you that not telling your folks was best,” Zane said carefully, watching for my reaction to the latest message.

Instead of snapping back at his I-told-you-so comment, I lifted the phone.

Before it was halfway to my ear, Zane took it from me. “Not now, Chloe. You can call them later. Let’s get your stuff and get out of here. We need to connect with Mack and Michael, not to mention, our boss.”

I had to agree. Home no longer felt safe. I wondered what returning to work would feel like.

I’d know soon enough.

Chapter 1911

It was Friday, and everyone would be back from lunch by now, eager to collect their paychecks.

This knowledge did little to calm my nerves.

In a few minutes, the entire Plum Beach Wildlife Park’s staff would be privy to my new relationship. Rhonda’s reaction was the one worth watching. Her jealousy was bound to be entertaining, at least until she rejoined forces with Jazmine. I wondered how their blossoming friendship was progressing.

“You okay?” Zane asked, squeezing my hand tighter.

Regardless of my conflicting feelings about my new husband, I felt more secure with my hand tucked in his. “Fine. Just stay close.” My confident words did little to belie the undercurrent of fear lurking just below my upbeat surface.

“I’ll be right here, Princess.”

Our unique connection made it easy for me to sense the humming vibration surrounding him like a supernatural shield. I knew that he’d change to his werewolf form if it ensured my safety. Granted, I didn’t anticipate any physical threat from our coworkers. A few shocked faces — absolutely, I was prepared for that.

“Hey, you two lovebirds!” Mack called from the park’s main entrance booth. “We’ve rented The Crab Cove for your reception tonight. Though no one knows what we’re celebrating, Logan sent some extra funding to make it happen.”

“Gee, I can’t wait,” I murmured before flashing the big blonde wolf my famous phony smile.

“He’s following orders,” Zane reminded, releasing my hand to slip his arm around my waist.

I tried, without a smidgen of success, to ignore the tummy-flops his latest affections produced. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t deny that I was besotted with him. Staying angry required too much energy. Besides, we had to convince an entire town that we were madly in love.

Mack continued, “Here’s the scoop. Everyone has been told that there’s a big announcement planned for this afternoon. The staff thinks we’re celebrating the new aquarium’s opening …”

“Won’t they be surprised?” I interrupted.

Overlooking my sarcasm, he glanced at Zane, who just shook his head.

“Can I please finish up here before that next carload of customers needs my attention?” Mack pressed.

“Sorry.” I could hear several car doors slamming and kids laughing.

“Luke has no clue what’s going on. I’m afraid he might think the party is for him. He mentioned that most of the staff forgot his birthday last month.”

“This is going to break his heart in so many ways.” I almost turned to leave, but the group of boisterous kids had reached the gate and they were wiggling around behind us.

Accepting our fate, I pushed through the turnstile and waited for Zane. He whispered something to Mack and was by my side before I could blink. I doubted I’d ever get used to his super-speed and agility.

“Dad, did you see that guy? He moved faster than the speed of light.” The young boy sounded impressed.

“I told you he’s been reading too many comics,” a woman scolded.

That’s my guy, a comic book superhero. I sent the thought silently, hoping to surprise him.

I’m glad you think I’m the hero not the villain. Zane squeezed me closer. You also called me — your guy.

“Today, you’re in the hero category.”

He guided me to the central courtyard. “I’m trying to be your hero every day.”

Remaining silent was the best response

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