I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,52

I’d managed to retrieve. We hadn’t talked about our future plans other than publicly announcing our marriage.

At last, after another endless moment of examination, Alcuin turned away. “She has a good question.”

I allowed relief to wash over me as we returned to a more normal line of conversation. I couldn’t help feeling as if I’d escaped the lion’s den without a scratch — this time, anyway.

Miraculously, Zane took the bait too. “We need to go to Chloe’s place first. We’ll figure out the next step from there.”

Finding a secluded spot away from the airport crowds, we team-teleported back to my beach house in Florence. It appeared I’d conquered all disagreeable reactions to my latest mode of traveling. On the down side, I hated to admit that I was getting quite comfortable going wherever I wanted with the blink of an eye. This was no I Dream of Genie, though. All the blinking was courtesy of my new fanged friend.

Glancing again at Alcuin, I concluded that in addition to my newfound acceptance of teleportation, I had indeed misplaced some essential memories back in Vegas.

Although different in appearance, Alcuin reminded me of the regal vampire — Valamir. I could still recall his haunting face. My neck tingled just thinking about our short time together in the bar. I wished I could confide in Alcuin, but I didn’t dare. Not now. I had no idea how he would respond, and I wanted, at all cost, to avoid the negative impact that discussing the ancient vampire would have on Zane.

Seeing Zane’s bulky form in my living room yanked me back to the moment.

To begin with, Luke would be shocked to see us strolling into work hand in hand. Just imagining the expression on his face when he heard the “good news” was enough to send me to bed for a month. Yet as anxious as I was about my boss’ reaction to my shotgun wedding, I was more concerned about Jazmine and the mutants. Considering how they’d tracked me all the way to Sin City, preparing to combat future attacks on the home front seemed prudent.

“Your bags are on your bed,” Zane said from behind.

Just the silky sound of his voice was like liquid honey to my ears, calming my jumbled thoughts. I wished he’d forget his vow and take me in his arms. Somehow, though, I understood as difficult as it was for him to resist, he meant business this time. I’d have to make the first move.

“Thanks,” I half-whispered, looking for Alcuin. “Where’d our transporter disappear to?” I was beginning to understand that vampires were prone to popping in and out at will. They didn’t seem too inclined to explain their whereabouts, and I wasn’t sure if knowing was such a good idea.

“Even though he can survive the daylight, he prefers the dark. I suspect he’s taking a vampire rest.” Zane shrugged.

I almost asked what a vampire rest entailed, but decided against it. We had more important things to deal with.

The blinking light on my archaic answering machine caught my attention. Curious, I darted around Zane’s bulky mass and hit the button.

“You have three new messages …”

“Hi, Chloe. It’s me, Luke. I know you’re out of town, but I wanted you to know it’s been real quiet since you left. No new murders. So far, no new leads either. At least, we’ve had some peace.

Zane’s friends have done a great job. They installed new security cameras, and, the even better news — they’ve agreed to stay on as additional security until we get a handle on our animal attacker. Well, I miss you.”

Before I could ponder his words, the second message was retrieved. “You little whore. So you can talk to animals. How quaint. Have they told you how you’re going to die like a slaughtered cow? You should ask around, clues can be found in the oddest places.”

Hitting the pause button, I faced Zane, surprised by my detached observation. “That voice … it’s familiar, but I can’t place it. It sounded like he was trying to disguise himself.”

“Another reason why we’ll be staying at my place until this is resolved. The M’s can remain here.” Seeing my narrowed eyes he added, “My promise of chastity extends to my bedroom. Besides, living together makes more sense in light of our recent matrimony. We are man and wife.”

More like wolf and woman, I almost said, but stopped myself. He was trying to be kind and protective.

The final message belonged to my always-anxious mother.

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