I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,33

off his lap and stretching out beside him. Faster than lightning, he positioned himself just above me, his hair spilling around my face. When he lowered his mouth to my neck, I arched, winding my arms around him, pulling him closer.

“Zane! We’ve got company!” Mack bellowed from the front room.

Zane, on his feet in an instant, commanded: “Into the closet! Go! Now!”

I was frozen on the bed, unable to obey. My body felt like melting butter, ready for loving not running.

Then the funny rippling thing was happening all around him. Terrified to see him again in his wolf form, I sprang toward the closet.

Crouched below several long-sleeved shirts and jackets, I reached with shaking hands for the doorknob, but hesitated. Zane had morphed into a humongous, sable, wolf–like creature. His thick fur spiked outward, making him appear even more formidable. A menacing growl rippled through him, a chilling challenge to anyone or anything foolish enough to mess with him.

For a time-stopping moment, he was motionless like a statue. His ears twitched, followed by another deep rumble. Slamming through the bedroom door, he shattered it into pieces.

Chapter 127

I heard the roars and snarls and flashed into Zane’s mind. No brick wall in sight.

Trying to make sense of the morphing images was difficult, and I struggled through a minute of dizziness before honing in on the repulsive scene. Zane was flanked by a smaller russet wolf and a large grey beast. With their lips curled back, the three looked beyond intimidating.

“I knew what you were the first time we met.” A woman stepped into the werewolves’ path.

I couldn’t fathom why any sane human would face off with the feral purebreds.

For a split second, the scene vanished as a crimson haze shaded my eyes, and then everything morphed. I was no longer watching the action as an observer.

I. Was. There.

I could see through Zane’s eyes as if they were my own.

Curious, I shifted my vision and glanced down to confirm I was once again viewing my own reality — inside the closet. Then, with what felt like a mental flip of a switch, I was back inside Zane’s viewpoint ¯ amazing.

Watching the woman approach through Zane’s eyes was beyond peculiar. Everything remained tinted beneath a reddish film. I could still identify natural colors, but his vision was altered while he was in wolf form.

My ability had evolved from hearing and seeing Zane’s thoughts. I was now able to hitch a ride through his senses — all of them. His fury slithered through me like a spiraling serpent.

Before I could further explore our advanced connection, the woman took another very foolish step forward.

Recognition dawned; it was Detective Davis from Will’s house. The woman who’d scrutinized Zane. As before, an overpowering need to protect him rose up inside me.

“I’m alone. Feel free to change back so we can chat,” she suggested casually, unafraid of the ferocious wolves, who even on all fours reached her chest.

Don’t do it, Zane. Something’s wrong. I forced my warning into Zane’s mind.

No kidding. Can you sense anyone else?

My initial reaction was no, but I concentrated harder. There was something about this woman that just wasn’t right. She didn’t seem human, yet she wasn’t an animal.

I probed her mind. She stiffened, her eyes darting around the yard. I couldn’t see or hear her thoughts; but was assaulted by her emotions — the primary an overwhelming sense of confidence. There was just a hint of well-warranted fear. Everything else seemed hazy and like jumbled puzzle inside her mind. I pulled out, troubled by what I’d felt.

Not human, but something else. I silenced my mind and listened, knowing I might be searching for another creature like her.

Sure enough, similar to last night at the bar, I located the energy of several unidentified beings. They waited in the shadows by an old pole barn. I could sense their tension and eagerness to join the group.

There are more of whatever she is. They’re hiding by the barn. What are they?

I don’t have a clue. This is something new.

“Are you trying to figure me out, wolf?” she asked, keeping her gaze fixed on Zane. “Because you won’t.”

Another threatening rumble was his response.

Unable to control my increasing anxiety, I slipped from the closet.

What did his neighbors think about these strange happenings? I’d remember to ask Zane more about his living arrangements, later, after this current wave of danger passed … if it passed.

Ahead of me, the front door yawned open, revealing the three wolves facing Detective Davis.

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