I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,34

I couldn’t hear what she was saying, but she was gesturing dramatically. The wolves continued that low throat rumble that I’d come to recognize as a major warning signal. I was surprised the detective wasn’t minus her head or at least a limb by now.

Crouching low, I peered out the open door.

“You, my dear, should have stayed in the closet,” said a pleasant but unfamiliar voice.

Bewildered more than scared, I turned to face the source of the deep British accent, which under normal circumstances, I would have found enticing.

“You’re the vampire,” I whisper-hissed at the sight of his pallid face so close to mine. His eyes were a shocking blue, like pools of liquid turquoise. I recognized him as the teleporter.

“So glad you noticed.” His mouth bowed into a wide grin revealing two gleaming fangs.

“Your teeth are so white.” I couldn’t help myself. I’d never seen such polished teeth. Maybe vampires had their own special teeth-whitening products.

“You’re the first human in five centuries to comment on the whiteness of my teeth. They’re more focused on their sharpness,” he paused, inhaling. “I must say, Chloe, you smell divine.”

Unsure whether to thank him or scream; I decided to acknowledge his fangs with flattery. “Your fangs are so sharp, and you know my name. Are you friend or foe?” I figured I’d know the answer to the second question soon enough, but his polite demeanor stirred just enough courage for me to ask.

“My name is Alcuin. I was named after the British scholar known as the ‘Alcuin of York.’ As for your second query, in this case, I am friend; though that could change rather quickly depending on the circumstances.”

I exhaled; relieved at least for the moment the vampire was a friend. He remained crouched just behind me, stirring something akin to desire, yet nothing like what I felt with Zane.

“I find you quite desirable as well, Ms. Chloe. Should you tire of the wolf, I’m available,” he whispered closer to my neck now.

“All righty, moving on now to the standoff outside,” I winced, ashamed of my impure thoughts. “What’s happening? Why are they here? And, what are they?”

“Direct, aren’t you?” Alcuin nodded his approval. “The woman who calls herself, Detective Davis, is a supernatural-hybrid. I’ve just recently detected their existence.”

“I don’t understand.” It didn’t help that my latest companion didn’t seem to know anything more than I did.

“Maybe the faes have decided to get involved, or …”

“As in Faeries?” My brain had reached the shutdown point hours ago. The vampire’s attempt to explain what he didn’t understand added to my frayed nerves. I knew that Tinker Bell wasn’t one of the faeries he was referring to.

“Oh, my. You’ve assimilated far too much information for one day.” Sounding sympathetic, he turned his attention back to the scene outside.

Following his gaze, I spotted four shadowy figures skulking around the pole barn. Somehow I’d miscounted. “Zane! Lookout!” I screamed, realizing too late how ridiculous my warning was. The werewolves would have spotted the intruders long before I did.

Every werewolf and hybrid head swung my way. I could see Detective Davis’ eyes glowing blood red. “Uh oh,” I fell back.

“It’s a good thing I stuck around. Hold on!” My new vampire friend yanked me to his hard chest, squeezing me close. Unlike Zane’s extreme warmth, he was icy cold.

Fighting not to vomit, I squeezed my eyelids shut as we spun in what felt like every direction at once. A deafening buzzing, like a million bumble bees gone mad, wrapped around us. Then ‒ nothing.

“Please don’t throw up on my shoes,” Alcuin pleaded.

Not bothering to see where we’d landed, I bent forward, hands on my knees and retched. Considering the lack of complaints, I assumed I’d missed his treasured shoes.

“I didn’t have time to prepare you for your first teleport.”

“No kidding,” I gagged again.

“Since I can guess your next question will include something about where we are, look around.”

With caution, I inched up into a semi-standing position. Because of a low, slanted roof, I was unable to stand.

“We’re in a tree house,” I concluded, able to see the pole barn in the distance.

“I figured you’d want to remain close to your wolf, and knowing Zane, he’d be none too happy had I taken you elsewhere. You, however, need to gain better control of your emotions should you continue to associate with us.”

As usual, my intense emotional responses were not earning me brownie points. Deciding to ignore the angry words threatening to explode at my latest rescuer, I

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