I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,32

than he was revealing, I pushed through Michael’s ineffective mental barrier. He was recalling the memory of teleporting. An attractive twenty-something man, with black sunglasses, rested his hands on Michael and his father. In a blink, they vanished. The next picture revealed the three of them standing by Zane’s mailbox.

“There was a vampire here?” The idea repulsed me. Vegetarian or not, the image of a bloodsucker was just too much. Maybe a vampire had attacked Missy. “The zebra’s blood …”

“No,” Zane said. “Like werewolves and well-behaved mutants, human-owned animals are off limits for vampires to hunt”

“I thought you said there were exceptions to the rules. Maybe a rogue vampire?” I wasn’t convinced.

“We’re done with this discussion. You’re going to have to trust me, Chloe. I will protect you. You know more than any human should. This knowledge puts you in greater danger.”

“You can’t make up your mind, can you?” I snapped; regretting my disrespectful tone in front of his guests.

“I think it’s best you get some sleep,” he said, his irritation obvious. “I’ll wake you in time for our flight.”

Wishing I could teleport far away from the scrutinizing gazes of three werewolves, one in particular, I struggled up from the sunken couch and rammed my little toe against the coffee table’s protruding leg. Refusing to acknowledge the biting pain, I hobbled to the bedroom door, where I tripped over a tear in the worn carpet and found myself sailing across the room. I collided with the bed, face first.

My clumsiness was becoming quite the nuisance. Humiliated more than hurt, I dragged myself onto the bed. Zane’s musky scent enveloping me.

“Are you all right?”

I didn’t need to look to know Zane was hovering above me. I heard the door click shut.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to challenge your pack authority. I …”

“Chloe, you’re not a werewolf. I’m not your leader. I appreciate the sentiment, but both Mack and Michael realize you’re human. Humans aren’t even supposed to know we exist, let alone understand our code of behavior.” He lowered himself to sit beside me.

“You deserve to know the rest. The supernatural population is diverse; our history is extensive, and far more complex than I could begin to explain right now. Just know there is an unnoticed world right in the midst of yours. Other than angels and demons, werewolves, mutants, and vampires are the largest sub-groups, though there are many others. We go to great lengths to remain anonymous, but as you know, scores of stories and myths about our kind exist. Though many are false, due to our meddling, some contain bits of truth.

There are indeed humans who do know about us. Some are more sensitive to the supernatural. Others hunt us.

Most of us try to live amongst your kind in peace, even protecting your race. But, like humans, we have our own bad guys. Covering their tracks in order to maintain our anonymity while making sure justice is served are top priorities.”

“Really?” I rolled over and sat up, feeling vulnerable lying down with him so near. “I feel inadequate, lost even. This is all so overwhelming. I keep forgetting it isn’t a dream.” A fresh wave of uncertainty threatened to drag me under.

“You’re not inadequate. It’s not a dream. I’m real. And you’re very, very real.” He cupped my face.

The kiss was different from the others. He handled me like a fragile treasure, pressing kisses across my cheeks, eyelids, and forehead. I clung to him like a life preserver, afraid if I let go I’d drown.

All I wanted was him.

Sensing my need, he found my mouth and pulled me onto his lap. The electrical current of insatiable desire, raging like a wildfire between us, exceeded any pleasure I’d ever experienced. I wondered if a vampire’s need for blood surpassed my need for this half-man half wolf. Somehow I doubted it.

I loosened the leather cord that bound his hair, releasing an avalanche of raven waves. I wound my fingers through the dark mane. His hands mimicked mine, clutching and pulling my curls as our kiss deepened.

A little moan escaped my lips, surprising me. I’d never felt so out of control.

Forgetting my virginal vow, I let my hands trail down, reveling in the sensation of his muscular arms under my fingertips. His skin was fiery hot and smooth. The musky, earthy scent that was all Zane wrapped around me.

“Are you sure, Princess?” He whispered; his golden eyes focused on my face.

Unable to tear myself from his gaze, I responded by scooting

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