I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,27

away, afraid of succumbing to certain seduction. Intent on my surrender, his head dipped down and his lips crushed against mine, leaving me breathless as I melted against him, my tongue finding a perfect rhythm with his.

Forgetting we were in a public place, I ran my hands down his muscular arms, causing him to growl, a low feral vibration that sent shivers of pleasure everywhere at once. His skillful hands caressed my back, sliding lower.

“E-hem!” A phony throat-clearing cough interrupted his roaming hands.

Jumping back, I was more than a little miffed to see Rhonda and a fuming Jazmine standing nearby. If Rhonda knew she was playing sidekick to a werewolf in heat, she’d run the other way.

Zane took the interruption in stride, appearing unruffled, yet allowing the disapproval of his future mate to slither through his words. “Jazmine, how not-so-nice to see you again. Didn’t I make it clear enough last night that I would find you at the appointed time?”

“You should know by now that I’m not so good about following rules.” Her eyes narrowed, glowing red rather than amber. Maybe red was for pissed off. I hoped I’d be alive to ask later.

If Rhonda’s expression of hatred was any indication, I was in trouble. It was painfully clear these two women ought not to be hanging out together, with their sole focus being my demise.

Remembering my ability to listen to werewolves, I honed in on Jazmine’s thoughts. So this is the little bitch keeping my mate from me. How will he feel when she’s a mutant and he’s required to kill her? Or, I could do the killing myself.

Without pause, I flashed the thought to Zane, who heard me loud and clear. His lip curled in response. The look he shot Jazmine would have been enough to send me scurrying for safety. Her expression changed from smug defiance to fear, but was replaced by her usual haughtiness a blink later.

“I guess I’ll have to find a way to teach an old dog some of my best new tricks,” she purred, eyes gleaming at Zane. “Come on, Rhonda.”

Like the follower she was, Rhonda stomped off behind Jazmine, not quite able to keep up with her lupine counterpart.

“That’s it,” Zane said, his expression thoughtful. “You’re staying with me.”

“Crazy werewolf say what?” I mimicked my cousin’s favorite teen idol.

No way. Danger or not, I was not going straight to the dragon’s (or dog’s) lair where I’d be devoured.

“You’re not safe at home. Jazmine is wicked and conniving, and you heard as well as I did that she wants you dead or mutanized. By the way, great idea mind-messaging me.” He pointed at his head.

“Mutanized,” I forced a laugh. “Is that a real word or did you just make it up?” I, too, was thankful we could use mental communication. The ability might prove lifesaving, considering our combined list of increasing enemies.

“It’s not a word, but rather a state of being; a being that I’ll do everything in my power to keep you from becoming.” He looked so fierce and very determined. I couldn’t stop the pleasure I felt knowing his desire to keep me safe.

“What will people think?” I sputtered out of the blue, more worried about my reputation than staying alive.

“What would they think if you were killed and I had the power to protect you? In fact, maybe we should get out of town for a few days. Ever been to Vegas?” He pulled a cell phone from his back pocket before I could respond.

“Whoa, werewolf. Slow down a minute. Vegas? First it was your house, now Nevada?” This was getting ridiculous. I couldn’t go to Las Vegas.

“Logan, it’s me. Things are getting more complicated in Plum Beach; can I bring a friend who needs some serious guarding?” He paused listening. “Call Mack. We’ll need him pronto.” Zane stopped to listen. “See you soon.”

“Did you just make arrangements for both of us? Because, I sure don’t remember agreeing to your vacation plans.” My previous irritation with Zane had returned.

“Chloe, can you be reasonable? Remember when I told you there were more supernatural creatures than just werewolves? There’s a whole lot more. Right now, I’m not sure who’s slashing your local men to shreds, and I’m not even a hundred percent convinced a mutant gave your zebra that nasty hickey. I do know Jazmine, though. Trust me. I want you alive. I promise to keep my hands off you, if that’s what it takes.” His expression left no room for

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