I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,26

power and money. I’ve been assigned to investigate the suspicious murders in Plum Beach, but Logan also believes that several Indian elders may be double-crossing the pack. Jazmine fits into all this somehow. The news is out now that I’m sniffing around.

Since I’ve eliminated the messengers, things will heat up that much faster. As for the remains, I have a friend who handles clean up.”

“Well, I think you’ve got pretty good instincts for a werewolf,” I said, hoping I sounded confident. I was pretty spooked about everything, and the idea of more danger didn’t help.

I’d already decided I didn’t want to know anything else about his little clean up committee. What I did want to learn more about was Jazmine. I knew for certain that she was somehow up to her fangs in whatever was happening.

To conclude our discussion, Randall, the wolf, howled an eerie wail that sent chills winding down my spine, reminding me ¯ Jazmine was a werewolf to be reckoned with — a werewolf I’d do just about anything, including howling at the moon, to keep away from Zane.

Chapter 106

Following the heart-to-heart about Zane’s background, I hated to admit I was coming to respect this strange wolf/man. Sure he was prideful, pushy, and pretty much a male chauvinist, but he cared about his pack and their ability to live in harmony with humans. That commitment earned high marks in my book of what to look for in a “good” man–er–werewolf.

We spent the workday’s remaining hours interviewing the park’s diverse animal residents. None had seen the vicious intruder, though most had heard the zebra’s screams and the merciless sounds of her attacker.

The animals shared a mutual feeling of panic. The predators alone felt semi-secure. I didn’t blame them. From what I’d seen, the creature, which I now assumed was a mutant, had no qualms about his supremacy.

“Chloe, you’re thinking so hard that your brain might crack,” Zane teased.

“What are you trying to say, big guy? That my mind is fragile?” Feeling playful, I elbowed him below the ribs. I was enjoying his attention and glad for a reprieve from all the scary stuff.

The day had flown by, and I’d discovered, in spite of everything, just how much I liked his company. Having him around was enjoyable in the midst of all the madness.

“I’d never say fragile, quite the opposite. You’re very intelligent,” he said.

“Thank you.”

“And sexy.” He grinned, his eyes shifting again from brown to golden. A little growl rumbled deep in his throat.

He moved closer, until he was standing just a few inches away. I could feel his body heat and smell his enticing spicy scent.

Uncomfortable with his piercing gaze and proximity, I blurted out the one question I’d failed to ask earlier. “Are there other supernatural creatures?”

Looking surprised by my mood-deflating query, he roared with laughter, startling the nearby tigers who roared back. “If I didn’t know better, Ms. Carpenter, I’d think you were a complete innocent.”

“Excuse me? What’s wrong with being innocent?”

“Well, by the way you respond to me at times, you seem almost a prude, but the way you kissed …”

“Wait a minute, buddy, you kissed me!” How dare he? He was the one with all the untamed sexual energy.

“Yes, I kissed you. And you, Princess, kissed me back with a high level of expertise, I might add.”

Expertise? I couldn’t imagine appearing to be an expert in the kissing department. I’d never kissed a man, not even Jordon, the way I’d kissed Zane in the exam room. Did he think I was some Rhonda-type hussy?

“So, you think I’m a whore?” I protested, my fists now grinding into my hips.

“Whoa … slow down. Where in the world did you —?”

“The park will be closing in thirty minutes. Please move toward the exits, and if you’d like to visit our gift shop please do so at this time,” Luke’s voice announced via our park-wide intercom system.

“Good! This day’s done,” I quipped, turning to flee.

Grabbing my arm, Zane spun me around and pulled me with an unexpected urgency to his chest. “You never allowed me to answer your last question,” he whispered, his lips warm against my ear. “I don’t think you’re a whore, not even close. I find you beautiful, smart, sexy, and a little too headstrong, but that I can live with. And, yes, there are other supernatural beings.”

Shocked by his answer, I lifted my chin, meeting his gaze.

His eyes shimmered gold.

Figuring the color change had to do with amorous emotions I tried to pull

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