I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,28


Jazmine’s intentions were obvious. I knew he was right. I had plenty of vacation time saved up. Luke would accept my request, especially after Will’s murder. I suspected Zane would come up with some viable explanation for himself.

“Fine, I’ll go; but you keep your hands and your paws off me.” I crossed my arms attempting to look firmer than I felt.

“Paws too, wolf’s honor.”

“Five minutes until closing. Please exit the park,” Luke announced for the final time.

“Who will watch the animals?” I’d almost forgotten with both of us gone the park’s animals would be without proper care. Not that we didn’t have other animal specialists, but no one like me.

Zane nodded. “I’ve already taken care of that. Mack and his son, Michael …”

“Mack and Michael?” I interrupted.

“They like M-names, what can I say? Anyway, Mack is a healer and Mike is another pack enforcer. They can keep an eye on things while we’re away.”

As we rushed past the exhibits, to the main office, I informed all the animals I could about our travel plans. They weren’t thrilled by my pending departure, but they’d survive — I hoped. If Mack and his son were anything like Zane, I knew they’d be well-protected.

“You two have been busy. Did you take a lunch?” Luke was hunched over his desk, doing his one-finger computer work.

I could hear subdued conversations as the other employees performed their closing duties. Closing time was traditionally filled with an overabundance of laughter.

Will’s murder had changed all that.

Zane glanced my way. Go on. Ask him.

I raised my eyebrows, hoping he’d take the lead instead.

“You’re right about no lunch. We were too busy to eat, but we still didn’t learn as much as we’d hoped to.

A good portion of the animals overheard the zebra attack, but none saw the perpetrator. I’ve got a good friend, another vet, who’ll be in town for a few days. He’s got a ton of prior investigative experience. I was hoping he and his son could help out while I’m gone,” Zane suggested.

“Gone?” Luke stopped typing and looked up. I could tell he was more than a little curious. “You just got here.”

“You do remember me mentioning my prior commitments to the casino board. There’s an emergency I have to address. I’ll be gone a few days, a week at the most.”

“Well, we’ve got Chloe and that friend of yours. We should be fine.” Luke glanced back at his notebook.

“Uh, Luke,” I squirmed. Asking for time off wasn’t easy for me under the circumstances. I was sure Luke would see through our little charade.

“What Ms. Never-Miss-Work is trying to say — I convinced her to take some much overdue time off. She’s too embarrassed to admit the murders have her shook up. Blame me. I told her to follow up on your offer for rest.” Zane shrugged his left shoulder, feigning a guilty expression.

“I can’t believe you were able to convince her. I’ve been trying for the last year. If your friends are as good as you say, we should be fine. I give you my boss’ blessing, Chloe. Go. Rest. Take a break.” He waved us off. “Get out of here. You’re stalling.”

I couldn’t leave without more assurance. “Are you …”

“He’s sure. Get going. I’ll walk you out.” Zane pressed his palm against the small of my back, guiding me to the door.

“Oh, Zane, I met your fiancé today. She’s a real pretty gal.” Luke flashed Zane the I-approve-of-your-woman smile.

Curious how Zane would pull this one off, I faced the men. Maybe werewolves were also good actors. They seemed skilled at everything else.

“She’s adorable. Although my feet are getting colder the closer the day gets.”

“Don’t let her get away.” Luke’s eyes darted my direction then away.

“Thanks for the advice. I’ll be in touch.” Zane followed me out the door.

Stepping into the parking lot, I breathed in the salty air. I felt free. I was off work. A gorgeous man slash wolf was my personal bodyguard, and we were headed to Las Vegas.

“Do I sense excitement?” Zane leaned back and sniffed, his nose twitching.

“Is it that obvious? I guess I don’t, as they say, get out much.”

“That, my Princess, is about to change.”

Before I could respond, Rhonda’s Jetta screeched out from behind the park’s company van, swerving toward us. Grabbing me up, Zane leaped over her car faster than an action hero jumping from one rooftop to another.

The wheels skidded as she spun around and raced past. I could see Jazmine in the passenger seat, her

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