I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,134

edge, but now his erotic powers paled in comparison to my mate’s. I was thankful for that. It made life so much simpler and my marriage that much stronger without the lure of an ancient vampire repeatedly distracting me.

“Okay, I’ll play nice, for the time being,” he chuckled, aware of my arousal. “Later, you can forget it. Playtime won’t just be nice, it will be unforgettable,” he assured, promise of untold pleasures evident.

Energy hummed through me as I imagined his tongue trailing down my neck, over my breasts. Everything about Zane was overwhelming me, drawing me to him. My pheromones were wreaking havoc with his heightened senses. His presence was doing a number on mine, especially in the car’s enclosed space.

Eager to arrive at our destination, I prodded him, sounding like an impatient kid on a road trip: “How long till we get there?”


So far he’d remained secretive about where we’d be spending the next twenty-four hours, stating that it would be worth the travel time. I wasn’t so sure of that.

Ripping off his clothes in the backseat would be pretty thrilling, and there’d be no waiting involved. But I knew better; considering our initial, ill-timed encounter in Vegas, he was going to do everything in his power to ensure I remembered every single caress and kiss.

I had no doubt he would accomplish his goal.


“Chloe, open your eyes.”

I did.

And found myself looking out the car’s front window, facing the bluest water of any lake I’d ever seen. Even Crater Lake, a place I loved to visit as a kid, couldn’t quite compare.

I was reminded of my computer’s screensaver; the one displaying an ocean inlet with water so tempting it made a person want to dive into the monitor. This body of water was real. All I had to do was get out of the car and walk to the sandy shoreline where the tiniest of waves crested.

“You like?” Zane’s voice was filled with pleasure.

“I love it!” I unbuckled my seatbelt and leaned against his broad shoulder. “You were right, this was worth the wait. How long did I sleep anyway?”

He clicked a button releasing the doors’ locks and opened his. “About an hour. We’re not far from Klamath. This property belongs to one of our board members.”

Seeing my expression, he added, “A trusted and loyal board member. Remember the woman …”

“It’s okay.” I stopped him mid-sentence. “I’m sorry. I know you wouldn’t take me someplace unsafe.”

He exited the car with the masculine grace I loved.

It never ceased to amaze me how a man with such a muscular frame could move the way he moved. I doubted I’d ever get over the shock, or pleasure, of watching him.

I joined him beside a professionally-maintained, A-framed structure that overlooked our own private lake. It was just the right temperature outside, and the trees kept the afternoon heat to a minimum. A colorful hammock swung in the breeze between two trees, beckoning me.

Excited to explore further, I hurried to help Zane unload the trunk, before realizing I had nothing to unload.

I was wearing a pair of worn jeans and t-shirt that Deb had scrounged from her own belongings before the school went up in flames, destroying all otherworldly evidence.

Seeing my dilemma, Zane smiled. “Don’t worry. I had Alcuin make a quick stop when he brought the car.” He grabbed a Nordstrom’s shopping bag, stuffed to the brim.

Gleefully, I snatched it away and dashed up the steps. I spun to catch the keys, in one hand, again surprised by my newfound agility, and ability to actually hear Zane toss the keys in the first place. Maybe my coma-induced clumsiness had been vanquished for good.

Once inside, I raced through the rooms like a child seeing her new home for the first time.

I wasn’t disappointed.

I felt like I was standing inside a giant, cozy, furnished triangle.

There was a quant kitchen, dining area, and large living space with a well-used fireplace. A short hallway, just off the main room, had two doors; one I hoped was a bathroom with a full shower and tub.

What captured a majority of my attention were the steps leading up to a loft that was home to the biggest bed I’d ever seen. California King? No way. This thing had at least an additional two feet added to both its width and length. Someone had designed this bed with room for …

“I see you’ve found the bed to your liking?” Zane had managed to slip up behind me and wound his arms around

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