I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,133

Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. The part when her family surrounds her bed at the movie’s end. And what aren’t you telling me?”

“It can wait. Let’s burn this place to the ground and get out of here,” said Zane with a note of finality.

It was then I realized we were missing part of our pack. “Where’s Stryder?” I glanced around. “James McQuillen, Rita …”

Zane interrupted. “We lost Stryder. He fought valiantly. Rita was badly injured, beyond her werewolf regenerating abilities. McQuillen is with David and his clan. They’ll take care of Rita, don’t worry. After that they’ll head to the barge and clean up there and free any remaining prisoners. Valamir is pursuing Martin.”

It hit me like an arrow in the chest.

We’d forgotten Martin, and had left him back in the parking lot. I’d obviously lost my grip on his mind. He’d surely found the other coins, escaping with them to another secret stronghold.

There was still one question that hadn’t been sufficiently answered. “Who killed the monster?” Someone had saved my life. I wanted to thank that person.

For the first time, everyone smiled. “Who?” I asked again with more force.

The ring around me opened and a powerful looking male strode through, the rising sun shadowing his face.

My rescuer stepped closer. “I’d had just about enough of that bastard.” Dillon grinned.

Chapter 5131

Seeing Connie secure and smiling serenely, snug in Dillon’s arms, was the perfect ending to a very brutal and very long night of death and destruction. Two words that followed me like a kid with a bad crush, a crush turned dangerous obsession.

It was as if death and destruction had been compulsively and exclusively stalking me. Maybe now they’d turn their malevolent attention elsewhere.

A girl could hope.

Hope was one trait I refused to relinquish despite my recent history. As rocky as my life had become, I’d never felt so right. I belonged in this world with the man seated beside me lost in his own thoughts. And now, with everyone off on separate missions, I had my long-awaited time alone with him.

I stifled a mischievous giggle, convinced Zane falsely believed I was dozing as we cruised down I-5 hovering to the posted speed limit. He might be obeying the speed limit, but my mind was speeding in every direction.

He’d arranged for a car so we’d have time away from everything but each other. Teleporting back to Plum Beach would have put us right back in the mix without a moments rest, and I needed some serious R and R.

Stealing a glance to my left, I studied Zane from beneath my lashes. I needed him far more than any rest and relaxation.

Squelching those tempting thoughts for now, I considered our plan to meet up with the rest of our group at his property tomorrow. We had some major ground to cover. Everyone who had survived the altercation with Jazmine and Logan, and who’d pledged themselves to the Pacific Pack, would be making their way to Zane’s.

He’d decided to purchase the property and build a ranch of sorts to house the misplaced mutants who were now part of our growing supernatural family. I was curious how we’d deal with appearances; scrutiny about our living arrangements was bound to be an issue, but we needed a central location to operate from. Zane had a lot of reorganizing and rebuilding ahead of him. I was looking forward to meeting the challenges and helping him.

I hadn’t forgotten my promise to Joshua Smart either. When we returned, I planned to speak candidly with his mom and see if we could gain her approval. Maybe she’d been threatened into giving up Josh. Whatever the reason she’d allowed her son to be institutionalized, she was still his mother. Removing him without her permission would lead to all kinds of legal troubles that our pack couldn’t afford.

At least we had today and all night alone before switching back into full problem solving mode.

“I know you’re awake,” Zane teased. “Your breathing changed about five miles back.”

I had to laugh. “You are most observant, Dr. Marshall.” I rarely referred to his veterinarian status, which I’d discovered was legitimate, not just another ruse.

“When it comes to you, Chloe, I am very, very observant.”

Clenching my thighs together, I attempted to turn off the fiery heat his words ignited. How could one man’s voice send waves of sensual pleasure crashing through my core?

I was aware that our connection had deepened since the mating ceremony.

Valamir’s mind-magic, at one point, had sent me over the

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