I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,135

my waist, drawing me back against his chest.

I tilted my head back to further scrutinize the loft, more specifically the gigantic bed. “I think I know why it’s so big.”

“You do, do you?” Zane teased.

“Werewolves have more than one form they can take, not to mention, they’re pretty wild. Maybe more room is needed …” I stopped, embarrassed.

Zane nuzzled my ear. “No need to be shy, Mrs. Marshall. Nothing you say, or do, will shock me. Although you always do seem to find ways to surprise me,” he chuckled; his breath tickling and teasing my neck.

Leaving me marveling over the bed, he carried an armload of groceries into the kitchen.

Seeing the heaping grocery bags, I remembered my own bag of goodies.

I couldn’t wait to examine its contents, and I was more than a little curious to see just how effectively a vampire shopped. I couldn’t picture Alcuin at the mall interacting with an eager salesclerk. But by the look of my bounty, he’d made the right selections.

It was possible he’d sent a very realistic impression of my measurements right into the salesperson’s mind, helping her, who’d in turn located all the right sizes, colors, and styles.

Alcuin had thought of everything, including a saucy, black bikini shimmering with glittery stars. Zane would find great satisfaction seeing me flaunt my figure in the miniscule material. My stepdad, on the other hand, would have a stroke at the sight of me wearing so little in front of a man, even if that man was my husband.

With all the chaos from the past twenty-four hours, I’d forgotten my parents. Meeting with them was yet another activity to add to my growing to-do list. I hated the idea of them hating Zane and worrying about me.

Sooner or later, probably sooner, Bob would use his associates in law enforcement to investigate Zane. I was reasonably certain Zane had cloaked his past enough to hold up under scrutiny, but I also knew that my stepdad could be relentless if he felt it necessary.

If he somehow found the connections between Zane and Plum Beach murders, all hell would break loose. We needed a reprieve without my parents going berserk.

Interrupting my worries, Zane called from the kitchen, “Why don’t you take advantage of the sunshine and soak in some of those rays you love so much. I’m sure if you dig far enough, you’ll find that Alcuin purchased swimwear for you.”

I had to laugh. Of course, he’d instructed his vampire friend to buy an itsy bitsy bikini. The one I was already slipping on, keeping an eye on the kitchen should Zane decide to come out before I was ready.

“You’ll join me, right?” I was anticipating his massive hands smoothing tanning lotion over my back. I made sure the send him the mental image.

“Wouldn’t miss it, Princess,” he replied, his voice laced with anticipation.

Tingling with the promise of Zane’s expert touch, I finished digging through the bag. I wasn’t surprised to find a zebra print beach towel at the bottom. Wrapping it around me, I headed for the sunshine. “Don’t be long!” I commanded, trying to sound sultry.

The truth was I did feel sultry, sexy, in fact, pretty damn alluring in my swimsuit. And as I let the cool lake water envelope my feet, I tossed the towel, realizing how glad I was for the one thing I’d almost hated Zane for — the loss of my virginity.

Because of our earlier wedding night encounter, today there would be no pain, just passion. No fear, only the fulfillment of our fantasies. No worry, just wonder.

Where was my mate? What was taking him so long?

Realizing he might take awhile to arrange the house, making it perfect in his mind, I treaded further into the lake, allowing the water to cool my heat, but not extinguish it. Bringing it down a notch, allowed me a moment to mull over my recent experience as a werewolf.

Zane didn’t know how or why I’d shifted into what resembled a purebred. He’d never heard of it happening before. Once again I was an anomaly.

On our drive here, we’d stopped at a rest area and taken a stroll along one of several hiking trails. Away from prying eyes, I’d tried to shift and failed. I’d retained the other benefits, like super speed, agility, heightened senses, and an unbreakable confidence in my mental powers; however, I couldn’t switch forms no matter how hard I tried.

Zane had promised we’d find someone who could explain what was happening to me.

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