I Just Need You - J. Nathan Page 0,72

how you constantly surprise me. Because just when I think I know you, you always do something that keeps me on my toes.”


“And I like it,” he said.

I could feel his erection pressing between my thighs.

So could he. “I don’t have a condom,” he explained.

“I’m on the pill.”

“Are you sure?”


“Well, know I’ve been tested.”

I nodded, wanting nothing more than to feel every inch of him inside of me. Anxiousness fluttered in my chest as I shifted my hips, rubbing against him. Our eyes stayed locked and I’d never felt more vulnerable. But there was something about our connection that gave me confidence. That filled me with want and need. That urged me on.

“Keep looking at me like that,” he said.

“Like how?”

“Like you see me.”

“I do see you, Tristan. And I love what I see.”

He kept his eyes on mine as he thrust up at the same time that I sank down. I thought sex in water would be slippery and awkward, but we managed it on the first try. I closed my eyes, reveling in the feel of him stretching me wide. The water mixed with his bare skin was almost too much. But I wanted to see his face. I opened my eyes, daring him to keep his on mine. I rocked my hips as he thrust up. I’d never been this exposed with someone before, and I wondered if it was because we knew each other’s demons that made us so open. My head dropped back as I fought to keep my eyes on Tristan’s. They were hooded but seared into my soul as if he truly did know everything about me and it didn’t change the way he felt. “Oh, my God, Tristan.” I felt him everywhere as I rode him.

“I’m right with you, baby,” he gritted out.

My hips kept moving and he kept thrusting. Before long, everything between my thighs tightened. I held my breath and my eyes pinched tight as tingles erupted, rippling out to my fingertips and toes as Tristan kept pumping his hips. I opened my eyes and his were closed. It gave me a minute to appreciate the ecstasy on his face before he dropped his face into my shoulder, groaning until his hips finally stilled.

We both gasped for breath as we held each other, still connected and reeling from some amazing ocean sex.

He finally lifted his head and looked me in the eyes. “Totally surprised.”

I laughed, before pressing my lips to his.

He carried me back to the beach a little while later and placed me down on the blanket. I grabbed his T-shirt and slipped it on while he pulled on his jeans. He sat down beside me and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me into his chest. We enjoyed each other as well as the sun, just taking in the stretch of ocean surrounding us. I’d never been happier. No one was coming out of the water. No one could catch us by surprise. I was safe and the notion released the heaviness that had been sitting on my chest like a weight since France.

That’s why this had been my fairy tale. I knew I’d only ever be free if there was no possibility of a threat. And out there, surrounded by nothing but water, there wasn’t.

A little while later, Tristan reached into the bag and pulled out two sandwiches and drinks. We ate in silence watching the ocean waves in front of us. No boats came into sight. No helicopters or planes flew overhead. It really was our very own deserted island.

“Tell me about your last girlfriend,” I said, suddenly wanting to know everything about him.

His glanced to me, apprehension etched in his features.

“That bad?”

He shook his head. “I’ve never had a girlfriend.”

My brows knit together. “What? Why?”

He shrugged, but I knew there was more to it.

“But you’ve had sex.”

He rolled his eyes. “Obviously.”

“So, why not date anyone?”

“Girls are too much trouble.”

I bumped him with my shoulder. “You mean we’re high maintenance and desperate?”


“I call bullshit,” I said, not giving him a chance to dispute it as I climbed onto his lap and straddled him. “You don’t like getting close to people. And by having a girlfriend, it means you need to drop the façade and be real with someone. And, girls like to talk. Girls like to get to know the guy they’re dating. You wouldn’t be able to keep up the quiet mysterious act if you had a girlfriend.”

He stared at me, not saying anything.

“So, instead

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