I Just Need You - J. Nathan Page 0,73

of having to deal, you stay unattached.”

“Until you.”

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips. “Until me.”

“Why do you think that is?” he asked, surprising me by keeping the conversation going.

“I think we’re more alike than you initially thought. I think there’s comfort in that for you.”

He considered the notion for a moment. “Maybe.”

“I also think you found someone incredible, and you knew it would be a monumental mistake if you kept pushing her away. You couldn’t let her slip through your fingertips,” I teased.

He laughed. “And the princess is back.”

I adjusted the nonexistent tiara on my head. “She’s never very far.”

“I’m glad I let you in, Kresley,” he said, the sincerity in his eyes nearly leveling me.

“Me too.”



For obvious reasons, I did not return to the shelter on Sunday. I met Elodie and Alice for dinner that night. I didn’t get to tell them about my date since Tristan and Briggs were both standing nearby, so we texted each other in a group chat from right across the table.

Elodie: What’d u do?

Me: Went on a boat.

They giggled when they read that and Alice typed. Where?

Me: A private island.

They squealed causing people around us to turn our way.

I closed my eyes and shook my head, making sure not to look in Tristan’s direction although I’m sure he could figure out we were talking about him.

Alice: Did you…

I glanced up at them. Their brows bounced in question. I stifled a smile and nodded.

They squealed again.

“Okay, I’m done playing this game,” I said aloud.

“But it was so much fun,” Alice complained.

I rolled my eyes. “Why don’t you two find your own boyfriends? There are plenty of guys out there who could handle the two of you.”

“Haven’t found them yet,” Elodie said.

“Any chance Briggs is single?” Alice asked.

I peeked over my shoulder at him standing against the wall. “I’m not sure. But I can find out.”

“We could double date,” Alice said.

“Oh, no. Keep me out of it. I have enough issues trying to go on a date with one person.”

They laughed.


Briggs waited for me in the hallway as I left class on Monday. I looked around, wondering where Tristan was.

“Don’t worry. Loverboy’s right outside,” Briggs said as he continued to focus on the area around us.

“That’s not who I was looking for,” I lied.


“Fine. But if you must know, I refer to him as Dreamboat. Not Loverboy.”

He laughed.

“Hey, Briggs. Do you have a girlfriend?”

“Not many women can handle all this man,” he said.

I laughed as we stepped outside. He and Alice would definitely make a good pair. Maybe another bowling night was in order.

Students rushed by me in all directions, but still, my eyes found Tristan standing in front of the building, ready to accompany us to my next class.

Tristan stepped in front of us, leading the way as Briggs and I followed him across the quad. The added security definitely gave me peace of mind, especially after what Marco had told me.

My phone rang as we walked. I slipped it out of my back pocket and checked the screen. Unknown Caller. I contemplated sending it to voicemail, but answered it anyway. “Hello?”

“Le fou de fortune,” a familiar French voice purred.

I froze, stopping in place. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end as I looked all around me, certain I’d find him standing in the shadows of the trees.

Tristan and Briggs stopped and looked to me, unsure why I’d stopped.

I pointed desperately to my phone, mouthing to Tristan, “It’s him!” I put my phone on speaker so he could hear, but the noise of the busy quad made it difficult.

“Don’t bother tracing the call. I won’t be on the line long enough,” the Frenchman assured me.

“What do you want from me?”

He tsked, like he had in my apartment in France, sending a cold chill racing up my spine. “Silly girl. I’m still coming for you.”

The crowded quad suddenly began to feel as though it was moving in on me. He could be anywhere. I looked frantically to Tristan who moved his hand, urging me to keep talking as he and Briggs searched the faces around us. “New York is a big place. How will you find me?”

“New York?” he laughed. “I think we both know you were never actually in New York, le fou de fortune.”

I swallowed around the lump in my throat. It had been his man in the woods. He knew where to find me. Calling me was him showing me that. “Why are you

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