I Just Need You - J. Nathan Page 0,71

has strict orders to stay on the boat.”

My brows shot up. “Oh yeah?”

He nodded before releasing me and reaching under the seat we’d been sitting on. He grabbed the bag tucked underneath and slung it over his shoulder. “So, tell me.” He linked our hands again. “What do you plan to do on your private island?”

“I’m sure I could think of a few things.”

He pulled me toward the steps and we disembarked onto the dock.

“No one lives here?” I asked.

He shook his head. “It’s for sale, but they’ve been renting it out in the meantime. Without a place to stay, most people just use it for day trips or camping.”

“Camping sounds nice.”

“I did not take you for a camping kind of girl.”

“Okay, so maybe I don’t want to be in the middle of the woods with all those bugs,” I admitted. “But camping out under the stars on a beach would be a dream come true.”

“We could do that some time.”

“But not tonight?” I asked.

He shook his head regrettably. “We only have until sundown before Briggs threatened to send the cavalry looking for us.”

I said nothing, hating that I was this fragile flower that everyone needed to protect. Would anyone ever view me as strong? Would I ever be allowed to stand on my own two feet?

He reached over and took my chin with his fingers. “But Briggs knew how much I wanted to do this for you, so he agreed to help.”

“Marco would kick your ass if he knew.”

“He’s not here, is he?”

I laughed as we followed a path through some trees to the beach. As soon as we reached it, I slipped off my shoes and walked barefoot, letting the warm sand seep between my toes.

Tristan grabbed a blanket from his bag and spread it out on the sand. Before he could do anything else, I reached behind my back and pulled the zipper down on my dress. The light material fell to my feet and I stood there in a black strapless bra and matching panties.

His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed down, clearly not expecting my boldness.

“Your turn.”

He smirked, clearly not about to be outdone. He grabbed his shirt behind his neck and pulled it off. His shoulder holster cut around the muscles beneath his white tank top like a second skin. He removed it, guns and all, and lay it in the bag he’d brought. Then pulled off the shirt.

I drank him in, never tiring of the perfect view.

He reached for the button on his jeans, slipped it through the slot, then shed his jeans, leaving him in his boxers with that perfect V disappearing beneath the waistband.

He stared me down, the corners of his lips twitching as he awaited my next move.

I took off for the water, running right in and laughing as the cool water engulfed my body. I closed my eyes and spread my arms, spinning around.

No security.

No threat.

No judgment.

Just the two of us alone on an island. I’d never felt more free.

I heard Tristan splashing when he walked into the water. Soon his arms slipped around me and I opened my eyes.

“I love seeing you like this,” he said, his blue eyes mirroring the water at our waists.

I slipped my arms over his shoulders. “I feel so free out here.”

“I wish you always felt that way.”

I tunneled my fingers through the back of his hair, drawing his mouth closer to mine. “I do when I’m with you.”

Our lips met in a rush of tongues and teeth. Tristan lifted me off my feet. I linked my ankles behind his back and held on as he walked us deeper into the water with his mouth ravaging mine.

This was what feeling safe in someone’s arms felt like. And, if I was dreaming, I never wanted to wake up.

Tristan pulled back once our heads were the only parts of us above water.

“Don’t put me down,” I said.

“Why not?”

“I’ve never…you know…in the ocean.”

His brows shot up. “And you want to…you know…in the ocean?”

I nodded as I reached behind my back and unhooked my bra. “I’m gonna need some help.” I reached down and tried to shimmy out of my panties while still in his grip. He somehow managed to pull them down the rest of the way without dropping me. Once I was naked, he wasted no time, shoving down his boxers. Our chests heaved as we stared into each other’s eyes. He lifted his hand and cupped my cheek. I leaned into it. “I love

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